Gene doping in sport. Gene Doping is the non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements, or of the modulation of gene expression, having the capacity to improve athletic performance

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Notes for P.E Presentation

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Gene Doping is probably today’s competitive weapon in sport and is a human enhancement, it was defined by WADA or the World Anti Doping Agency as “Gene Doping is the non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements, or of the modulation of gene expression, having the capacity to improve athletic performance“. Basically it is an illegal ergogenic aid that is used to enhance performance in the highly developed sporting world today. It is a very complex subject that is spoken very frequently as science fiction becoming a reality whilst others fear it is an imminent threat to the athletic world. What happens is that gene doping or therapy is the insertion, alteration, or removal of genes within an individual's cells in order to produce a so called ‘genetically engineered super athlete’ for different sporting disciplines such as aerobic endurance or anaerobic power. This idea has come from genetic engineering and gene therapy which was originally for trying to introduce genes directly into human cells, focusing on diseases caused by single-gene defects, such as muscular dystrophy. Today gene therapy also has broader applications covering problems such as genetic disease, cancer and HIV.  Although there have been complications in such a complex and fragile subject there have been successes, mainly in that the insertion of functional genes into an unspecified genomic location in order to replace a mutated gene which of course can cause disease. Gene doping is as I said very new meaning it is very expensive and difficult to attain where athletes would travel to specialist companies and scientists in countries such as Germany and the USA. But basically it is a technique for correcting defective genes that are responsible for disease development and not for performance enhancement which is what WADA and IOC are trying to say to the athletic world, although some people say gene doping is more acceptable for sporting enhancement rather than drug taking.

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So, gene doping is the next step in terms of physiological aids in the sporting world. But of course it is illegal and is very difficult to detect such as you have drug testing or blood doping testing simply because for example genes are introduced into a tissue such as a muscle not via a drug making it virtually undetectable. Although WADA have banned all gene doping it is still very difficult to detect, because even with DNA testing how would we know if the performer inherited it or used gene doping to acquire it? Because there are ...

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