Review the classification of skills to include the differences between individual, coactive and interactive skills.

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Skill Acquisition Coursework Task 1

Using your experiences from a team game, racket game and an individual activity to highlight the differences between the different applications of the concepts and to provide examples to support your knowledge, complete the following question.

  • Review the classification of skills to include the differences between individual, coactive and interactive skills.

“The learned ability to bring about pre-determined results with maximum certainty often with the minimum outlay of time, energy or both” Guthrie 1952.

In sport a whole range of perceptual-motor skills are required to perform any task in any sporting activity.


Skill simply is something gained through learning and is therefore a learned behaviour. Skill is also improved through practice, in training. A skilled performer learns to be effective and efficient in:

  • Achieving a well-defined objective.
  • Being consistent.
  • Maintaining physical and mental demands of performance at a high level.
  • Minimising time required.

The best way of analysing skills is to use different continuums, which show us the different characteristics of a skill, and to what extent these characteristics are present. This can be shown on a continuum by positioning the skill on a point on a line depending on which aspect of the skill is being analysed.


The intention of this coursework is to examine the classification continuums and use these to analyse differences between skills used in; tennis, football and swimming.

The first continuum to look at is the interaction continuum, this classifies the nature of the interactions between competitors and the extent to which the opposition can affect a player’s performance. At either end of the continuum there are individual and interaction skills, and coaction skills in the middle.

Individual skills are those, which the competitor performs alone, and there is no physical presence of an opponent to affect performance. Eg. figure skating, as there is no physical presence of opponents as they perform in the ice rink alone.

Coactive skills occur in sports events where although competitors perform at the same time, they are physically separated. So a performer cannot physically affect the performance of another. Eg. a 50metre swim.

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Interactive skills are skills in which an opponent can physically inhibit a player’s performance. Football is an interactive sport as two teams share the pitch and body contact is allowed.


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