Choose 2 countries (developed and developing) and analyze the different political systems and do comparative analysis. Decide if the individual system works well for the country and explain why.

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Question: Choose 2 countries (developed and developing) and analyze the different political systems and do comparative analysis. Decide if the individual system works well for the country and explain why.

Chosen Nations: Thailand (Democratic constitutional monarchy) and Turkey (Democratic Republic)  

The democratic constitutional monarchy is one whereby the monarch is the head of the state, but assumes limited political clout and jurisdiction over political matters is the prerogative of the executive and legislative bodies of the state, excluding the body of aristocrats. The Thai monarch principally assumes a ceremonial role in political sphere and plays a larger role in the socio-economic sphere. The Thai political system is essentially a compromise between the traditional political institution, namely Theravada Buddhist monarchy under the Chakri dynasty and facets of western institutions, namely secular administrative bodies, representative institutions and intricate bureaucracies. It exhibits western bureaucratic structures, but retains some traditional features such as village headmen and provincial governors or chao muang.

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The democratic constitutional monarchy has been an effective political system in Thailand, bringing about numerous reforms to modernize Thailand and solve socio-economic impediments of development such as sanitation, infrastructure and health. The original monarchical institution emphasized principles of absolutism and totalitarianism, thus representative institutions such as parliaments and legislative bodies could not be established and the emerging proletariat and bourgeoisie could not have a say in political matters. The system of democratic constitutional monarchy however allows the Thai people to elect their leaders and participate in policy-making, which is essential for a modern state. The democratic constitutional monarchy is ...

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