Is humanitarian intervention justifiable?

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Manar Habib 13DL

Is humanitarian intervention justifiable?

The view that humanitarian intervention is justifiable is debatable. This is due to the fact that in many cases there are two sides to a judgement, the side of the country or countries intervening and the side of the country that is being subjected to intervention. An example is the Iraq war in which the USA and Great Britain intervened, the US and UK may have viewed intervention as inevitable and necessary while the Iraqi’s had many other views and in hindsight many see intervention as a way of worsening matters. Furthermore the idea that humanitarian intervention is justifiable could indeed always depend on the situation and to what extent is intervention needed.

Intervention can be justified by the idea of ‘common humanity’, this is the idea that moral responsibilities cannot be limited to a country’s own people and country but essentially to the whole of humanity. This can also be called indivisible humanity due to the claim that we are all humans no matter where we are on the planet. For example the Syrians may be different in geography and language to citizens of the western countries however; this doesn’t mean that they should be subjected to mass murder. As a result there seems to be a necessity for able countries to intervene, able in reference to resources and money and therefore humanitarian intervention can be viewed to be justifiable

However, this can be argued against by the possibility of countries intervening for themselves and to pursue their own national interests rather than the country which they are supposedly offering help to. There is an argument that states that countries wouldn’t deploy a great amount of soldiers overseas if there wasn’t a possibility or even a certainty of personal gain and also it is argued that on the subject of whether to intervene or not, some countries calculate national interest and decide then to carry out the intervention or not.  A possible example of this occurring is when the US sent troops to Iraq and there was a general view that this happened due to the possibility of gaining oil. This therefore shows political untruthfulness due to the fact that nations are using humanitarian intervention as a cover for their personal interest. Additionally, there is also a view that the citizens and the issues of a certain country are of that county’s business only and outside intervention is unnecessary. Therefore, this shows that humanitarian intervention isn’t justifiable

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Moreover, the idea of humanitarian intervention can be justified by the fact that in some cases countries act out of a need to prevent a conflict occurring in another country that could have an effect on the country’s own citizens. This is related to the idea of global interconnectedness, currently there are several countries that depend on another for a key reason, for example the exporting and importing of goods. As a result this leads to these countries siding with each other in matters of hardship for either one of them. Also the idea of global interdependence is important because ...

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