To what extent has "new" Labour abandoned traditional socialist principles

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To what extent has “new” Labour abandoned traditional socialist principles

Many consider “New” Labour to be operating under a deceptive title due to the fact that the party has abandoned so many of the principles traditionally associated with Labour policies.

The foundation of the long-established socialist principles, which formed the basis of “old” Labour policies, was clause IV of the 1918 Labour constitution. “Common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange” was the single socialist slogan which underpinned the ethos of old Labour; equality.

The welfare state was a major component of old Labour’s manifesto. Clement Attlee who won labour its first overall majority in 1945, was responsible for implementing the “cradle to grave” welfare system which aimed to ensure the poor had equal access to basic public services. It was as part of this system that benefits for the unemployed and the National Health Service were introduced.

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Since Old Labour was set up and funded by the trade unions, close relations with the trade unions were essential. Resultantly, the Labour party argued for policies which benefited the working class, such as better working conditions and the establishment of a minimum wage.

Another policy supported by old labour and introduced by Attlee was nationalisation of the major industries such as iron, steel, gas and coal. This policy directly complied with clause IV regarding the “common ownership of the means of production”.

Progressive taxation was a central concept in old Labour’s manifesto and was known ...

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3 stars - This essay is structured to compare New Labour and 'Old' Labour and has a sense of evaluation - it also identifies the main characteristics of socialism, but it is too generalised and requires more specific examples. There are some inaccuracies that require careful checking.