Multistore Model – Akinson and Shiffrin (1968)

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Multistore Model - Akinson and Shiffrin (1968)

Akinson and Shiffrin suggested that memory was comprised of three separate stores, the Sensory Memory Store, the short-term memory and the long-term memory.

Information is simply rehearsed in the STM and if rehearsed sufficiently is transferred to LTM. Information to be recalled from LTM passes back through STM producing the associated response.
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Evidence for Multi-store model:

. Primacy-Recency Effect - Atkinson (1970). When presented with lists to remember we recall first and last items best. First items rehearsed into LTM and last items recalled from STM. Ones in middle less likely to be recalled. This is evidence for existence of several stores.

2. Brown -Peterson Technique suggests that if rehearsal of items is prevented then information does not enter LTM.

3. Amnesiacs caused by Korsakoffs Syndrome brought on by chronic alcoholism display sound STM functioning but impaired LTM. ...

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