Experimenting with Thermocouples.

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Physics AS Level Coursework

Experimenting with Thermocouples


For my sensor coursework, I have chosen to investigate the properties of thermocouples.  A thermocouple is a sensor which detects a temperature difference, and produces a very small electrical output.

“In 1822, an Estonian physician named Thomas Seebeck discovered (accidentally) that the junction between two metals generates a voltage which is a function of temperature. Thermocouples rely on this Seebeck effect. Although almost any two types of metal can be used to make a thermocouple, a number of standard types are used because they possess predictable output voltages and large temperature gradients.”



Welding, or otherwise combining, two dissimilar metals can make a thermocouple. Varying the temperature of the junction where the two metals combine will produce a very small voltage and a very small current.

However, if one attempts to connect the thermocouple to a Voltmeter, another thermocouple junction is made. This is at the point of contact, where the ends of the thermocouples meet the contacts of the Voltmeter, and causes problems, as it can lead to errors in the result.  To compensate for this, a technique known as cold junction compensation (CJC) is used. This entails adding an extra wire of the first material at the end of the thermocouple, so that the metal in contact with the voltmeter are both made from the same material, which cancels out the potential difference.

A result of the CJC is that there are two free junctions.  One junction is kept at a constant temperature for the other junction to refer to.  That is why this junction is commonly known as the “reference” junction.  As most reference junctions are kept in an ice bath at a stable temperature of 0 oC, it is also known as the “cold junction”, hence the term “cold junction compensation”.  Accordingly, the other junction that actually measures the temperature is commonly referred to as the “hot junction”.

When there is a difference in temperature between the junctions, a very small voltage is produced and a very small current will flow.

Figure 1 A Copper-Constantan thermocouple

I decided to analyse the relationship between the temperature difference across the junctions of a thermocouple, and the magnitude of the current produced.  My aim is to find the formula linking current (in Amperes) to the temperature difference (in centigrade).  From this, I can determine the sensitivity of the thermocouple, measured in Amps/ oC.  I can then compare this to thermocouples made from different materials.  I can also analyse the resolution of the thermocouple i.e. the smallest temperature change that registers a change in current, and then relate this to practical uses in industry.

Not all metal combinations are ideal for making thermocouples, however, so I have taken steps to find out the most common metal combinations used in industry.

Table 1

Due to limitations of the actual school resources, I will only use the Copper-Constantan and Iron-Constantan combinations.  Tungsten-Molybdenum can only be used at temperatures over 1560 oC

The Galvanometer

I was advised (from my Physics tutor) that thermocouples produce an extremely small current.  To detect such a current, I needed a specialised device known as a Moving-Coil Galvanometer, which was sensitive enough to detect such minute currents.  

The Moving Coil Galvanometer is a very delicate piece of equipment, namely because it contains a Moving Coil.  When handling this sensitive piece of equipment, it was vital to observe a few precautions.  Firstly, when the Galvanometer was being moved, I had to ensure it was set to “shorted”.  Secondly, it was important to be very careful the treatment of the equipment, as it was very sensitive to shaking, dropping and extreme vibrations.

When it came to using the Galvanometer, I had a choice of settings.

As a quick preliminary to find out which setting would give an appropriate output for a thermocouple, I took a small sample of three Copper-Constantan thermocouples, attached the ends to the Galvanometer, and held onto one junction while letting the other junction remain free. Thus, one junction was at room temperature while the other was nearly at body temperature.  I found that in all cases, 1x gave the most sensible output, as the readings remained within range but stable and accurate.  With the other two settings, the output would go out of range, or fluctuate wildly.  

Calibration of the Galvanometer

To produce an accurate relationship, the Galvanometer must be calibrated.  Therefore, before the “hot” junction is inserted into the boiling water, it will be inserted into the ice bath, along with the “cold junction”. This will give a relative temperature difference of 0oC.  When this is done, the Galvanometer will be “zero-set” i.e. manually calibrated so that the reading is 0 mA.  Therefore, if there is no temperature difference, there will be no current, eliminating any constants in the equation.

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As the Galvanometer is analogue, it may be difficult to accurately judge when the marker is on zero.  To improve accuracy, it should be set as close as possible to zero on the lowest resolution.  Then, increase the resolution, and set the marker as close as possible to zero again.  Repeat as many times as possible, to increase accuracy.  

Equipment needed for all Experiments


Determining the Resolution of a Thermocouple

Firstly, I attempted to determine the resolution of the Copper-Constantan thermocouple with a moving coil Galvanometer.  The resolution is the smallest change in ...

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