Science Investigation: HCL & Sodium Thiosulphate

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Investigating the rate of reaction between Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid


I am going to investigate how changing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate affects the rate of reaction with Hydrochloric Acid.  I am going to time how many seconds it takes until you can no longer see the black cross on a piece of paper under the beaker. Each time I do the experiment, I will change the amount of sodium thiosulphate and water in the reaction mixture. I want to find out if the concentrated sodium thiosulphate makes the reaction faster or not. When sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid are mixed, a yellow precept of sulphur is produced. The solution becomes increasingly difficult to see through as more and more sulphur is formed. We can measure how fast this reaction occurs by drawing a cross and placing the reacting mixture over it in a clear conical flask. We then observe the time it takes for the cross to disappear (due to the formation of sulphur turning the mixture cloudy) to get an approximate reaction time.



Preliminary Results

In the preliminary I worked out to make it a fair test I would place a black cross underneath the experiment. To no when to the solutions has become completely cloudy and the reaction has reached the point I am measuring to.

With my results, I have found that a volume of 5ml was too little and so took too long. I will leave this result out and add 20ml and 35ml to enable me to have a wide range of results.

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My predictions come from my preliminary results. Mainly as concentration is increased by a factor of 10, the reaction time decreases by 265 seconds therefore reaction rate approximately 10 times faster. Also, from the above results, when the concentration is doubled, time decreases by roughly a minute therefore for every 5ml of sodium thiosulphate added (and 5ml of H2O taken away) reaction approximately 1 minute faster. This is due to the Particle Theory. The higher the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, the more particles there are in the solution, which also means there are more ...

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