Voting is no longer a matter of loyalty to a certain class but a rational decision based on a range of factors

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“Voting is no longer a matter of loyalty to a certain class but a rational decision based on a range of factors” To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence supports this view? (40 marks)         Instrumental and expressive are models of voting behaviour; expressive models are about social background whereas the instrumental model is about rational choice. The instrumental model shows 3 main factors that affect voting behaviour to make it a rational choice; these 3 main factors are the consumer theory, lifetime learning and tactical voting. Whereas the expressive model has 4 main factors that are: family socialisation, interactionist model, embourgeoisement and class alignment/dealignment.         When voting first came into place, everyone voted for which party was representing their class, e.g. labour was working class and middle class was the conservative party. But these days people base their decisions on many different factors, some vote on what their family vote for so they stay loyal in that respect but on the other hand others vote more tactically.        The instrumental model suggests that people vote through the consumer theory,
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Himmel Weit et al 1981 stated that voting is like a political market place, they said that people vote on which party matches their own personal values therefore this sociological argument supports that people aren’t loyal to their own class, but they are loyal to their own values and therefore support rational choice. A criticism of this theory is that not everyone is brave enough to stand up to his or her own values and therefore conform to their social background. Because of this people tend to go with family socialisation which is where a child follows in their parents ...

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