Business ownership and objectives - Apple and McDonalds

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Unit 1 business environment 

Sole traider; is a single owner of a business or self-employed person such as a plumber, grocer or taxi driver. He or she directs the affairs of the enterprise and has to bare its risks, responsabilities and losses and takes the profits and benefits.

Partnership; is a type of business organisation which two or more people share their money, skills, ideas and other resources to put to plan.They share profit and loss in accordance with terms of the partnership agreement signed between them agreeing to work together.

Private limited; is a type of company that offers limited liability to its shareholders but that places certain restrictions on its ownership.

Public limited; is a company which the securities of are traded on a stock exchange and can be bought and sold by anyone. Public companies are strictly regulated, and are required by law to publish their complete and true financial position so that investors can determine the true worth of its stock (shares).

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Co-operative; is a firm controlled, owned and operated by a group of people for their own benefit. Each member contributes invested money, and shares in the control of the firm on the basis of one-member.

Franchise; is a business organisation where a firm already has a strong service, product or brand name and is well known and succesful.

Voluntary; is a business running not for profit but for charity and help.


This assignment I have selected two businesses on the opposite ends of the business spectrum (a public limited and a franchise) I will explain ...

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