PPF Economics
Economics - Health Care Questions . The demand for health care is increasing for several reasons. One reason why the demand for health care is increasing is due to the overall increase in life expectancy of people in the UK, as people are living longer the population is increasing and therefore more people are dependent on the health care. Another reason why the demand for health care is on the rise is that people are getting richer and therefore wanting and undergoing more cosmetic surgery which is part of the health care. In addition to this, improvements to technology and the range of treatments available mean that more people are seeking a cure thus the demand for health care is increasing. Finally demand for health care is increasing as a result of higher birth rates and immigration which means a population increase. As more people are brought into the UK they all need health care whether it is private or the NHS however there is an increase in demand. 2. The market for health care clearly illustrates the concept of scarcity. Scarcity literally means that economic agents can only obtain a limited amount of resources at any moment in time; in this case the economic agents represent the NHS and the allocation of their resources e.g. doctors, treatments, etc. The want for health care is infinite as people are in constant demand for it in order to live; because if they are
Why businesses do sets objectives and aims
Mr Edwards BTEC FIRST BUSINESS PURPOSE UNIT 1 Exploring Business Purpose Assignment 6 Assignment 6 Why businesses do sets objectives and aims: In this report I am going to describe and show the key aims and objectives in Business by different sectors and the main functional areas that support business organizations. Underneath shows my typical mind map of business aims. Businesses use Mission Statement: In many businesses communication is the main objects in the form of a mission statement and they also have aims as well. If they want to really achieve it for the future and brings some new with more successes in their businesses, so they have to fallow some steps like put their all efforts and by hard work on workers. Why business sets aims: An aim is where the business wishes and wants to go in the future, its like goals and target. It also could be like a statement of purpose, if the business wants to achieve their progression for future so however they have to achieve their aim for their aims they have to have confidence, communication, development, focus, motivation and teamwork but they also have measurement for their aims but it depends on their aims because they should always be propriety the size of the business so by this then can develop the business but they need a really a hard work. E.g. Britain wants to grow the business into all around the
Nature of Business
Business Studies Speech "In economics, a business (also called firm or enterprise) is a legally recognized organizational entity existing within an economically free country designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers". The fundamental aim of the business is for people to work together and achieve goals to enhance value to inputs and thus creating profits for the business and its entities. Good morning/afternoon class, teachers and or students. In today's speech I will be addressing "The importance of business and its relationship with stakeholders" I will be defining the term business, describing the nature of business and its role in society and I will also be explaining the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders. Firstly Businesses can be broken up into two different sub groups - public sector and private sector. The public sector is organizations that are owned and controlled by the government. An example of these organizations is police, health, education and defense as well as businesses owned by the government such as State Rail, RTA, and Australia Post. The private sector is all organizations and businesses that are owned and controlled by private individuals or groups Secondly Stakeholders are the individual, groups or institutions who also have an interest in the way a business operates. There are two types of
Ownership, Location and Aims and Objectives of Lex Transfleet and Express Diner
Sections A1, A2 & A3 Section A1 - Describing all four features for both businesses; Lex Transfleet and Express Diner Ownership of Lex Transfleet Lex Transfleet is a PLC (public limited company) which is hard to set up because of the paper work that needs to be done. They are owned by minimum of 2 people because but there is no maximum numbers of shareholders. Shareholders in Public limited companies have limited liability which is that they invest in capital and if they were in debt they only lose the amount of capital that they invested in to the business. For example a shareholder in Lex invests £50,000 and the business get indebt of 1 million pounds then they don't need to pay back the 1 million pounds, they just lose the £50,000 that they invested. The advantage of limited liability is that they do not need to pay the amount of debt because they just lose out what they invested. The advantages of a public limited company is that they have limited liability, the capital increases because public can buy shares and the shares increases in value if company is successful. The shareholders vote for who the directors are going to be and the directors in the business run the business and make all the major/minor decisions. The directors in the business are in charge on a day to day basis. For the business to grow they can advertise shares on the stock exchange and raise more
Recruitment. In this task I am going to look at recruitment and training. I will explain the different types of stages that McDonalds use to recruit. I will also look at the different types of training which McDonalds use to help their employees.
GCSE Applied Business In this task I am going to look at recruitment and training. I will explain the different types of stages that McDonalds use to recruit. I will also look at the different types of training which McDonalds use to help their employees. Recruitment The process from the decision to fill a job vacancy to the point where completed job applicants are received The reason why McDonalds need to recruit employees may be because * There are employees soon retiring * Someone going on paternity/maternity leave * Someone leaves McDonalds * Promotion * Sacked McDonald's recruitment stage Agree the vacancy Staff are expensive and in McDonalds need to obtain permission to recruit a new member of staff. If McDonalds is struggling, they may also need agreement to replace someone who is leaving. Normally therefore there is a specific procedure managers must follow before the recruitment process can be started. Agree the Job Description The job being advertised may be new, in which case a job description needs to be devised. Even if someone is being replaced, it is useful to update the job description in case any task or duties have changed, Example of a Job Description Department : Marketing Job Title: Marketing Assistant Hours of work: 38 per week, normally 9am-5 45pm Monday-Friday with one hour lunch, but some flexibility
Online business case studies - JDsports, ASDA and Subway
Unit 8 doing business online The three businesses because I have chosen are: * JDsports website: Jdsports.co.uk * ASDA website: asda.co.uk * Subway website: subway.co.uk ASDA is Britain's best value retailer; it became part of the Wal-Mart family in June 1999. ASDA was formed by a group of farmers from Yorkshire and now has 321 stores and 29 depots across the UK.ASDA have over 300 stores and 148,000 colleagues nationwide. ASDA isn't run for profit. ASDA has two charity voluntary organisations, which are http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/?lid=800 http://walmartstores.com/FactsNews/NewsRoom/4100.aspx National Blood Service * ASDA went into partnership with the National Blood Service in 2004 which coincided with Worldwide Blood Day. Since then stores have been arranging blood donor days for colleagues and customers in the bloodmobile in ASDA car parks. * Being a blood donor is a valuable service to the community and helps to save lives. Each day 10,000 donations of blood are needed nationally to meet hospital demand and currently only 6% of the eligible population donate. Blood donations help save lives in surgery, road traffic accidents, and treat cancer patients and burns victims. ASDA Foundation ASDA
Fish and Chip Shop Business Plan Outline
Fish & Chip Shop Business Plan Outline: What is it? There are few things more tempting than the smell of fish and chips. And it can be little coincidence that rosy childhood memories of seaside holidays, Friday teatimes and late suppers are more than often associated with the savoury treat. So the idea of owning your own fish and chip shop will probably seem like a similarly alluring prospect. Don't fall into the nostalgia trap, though, this isn't last of the Summer Wine. The modern day takeaway has big competition so you need to put a lot in to get it right. Get the winning formula, however, and you'll soon be cashing in your chips. Current market In the past few years, there has been a pretender to the throne of Britain's favourite takeaway - chicken tikka masala. However, all traditionalists can now breathe a sigh of relief; fish and chips is firmly back on top according to a survey by the British Potato Council. Its place at the top isn't down to traditional values. This market of independents has lead the field for much of the first 100 years of its history. Gradually the customer has been faced with a large number of alternatives, from Chinese takeaways to burger vans. Increasingly fish shops can't just open when they please and customers will vote against poor quality with their feet. This isn't consistent throughout the industry, however, so a good
The nature of business and ownership
BTEC First Diploma in Business Unit 1 Exploring Business Purposes Task 1 a) Tesco is a public limited company organisation b) N.H.S is owned by the government c) Oxfam is a charity organisation d) Dixy chicken is a Partnership Task 2 Tesco (public limited company) The purpose of Tesco is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Tesco is now making moves into non-food markets with an aim of taking a leading market position. Tesco is one of the biggest supermarkets in England. Every business decision they make is driven by their customers. Tesco is selling Groceries with 1000's of great offers every week and more than 1500 wines, entertainment stuff like books, CDs, DVDs and digital stuff, phones and broadband; the also offer you insurances like car insurances home and travel insurances life insurances and many more insurances. Tesco's UK stores are divided into six formats, differentiated by size and the range of products sold, and which are: Tesco Extra This is a larger store mainly out-of-town that stocks nearly all of Tesco's product ranges. Tesco Extra stores are usually on two floors, with the ground for mainly food and the first floor for clothing, electronics and entertainment. Most Tesco Extra stores have a café. Tesco superstores Tesco superstores are standard large supermarkets, stocking groceries and a much smaller range of
Apllying For Tesco
Applying for Tesco Tesco give you a multiple amount of ways to apply for a leading supermarket in the UK. They give all people the opportunity of working for them, weather you're young or older, qualified or unqualified it doesn't matter as they are looking for people that are committed to their work. Some ways to apply for Tesco are listed and described below: * Job Centre - You can apply for a job a Tesco by using the help and guidance they offer you, for many people it counts as an advantage as sometimes they aren't too sure about what they would like to work as. People may prefer this because Job Centre offices are local which ensures they would not have a big journey to travel to look for a job. When you step into your local Job Centre you will be given an option of weather being assisted by a member of staff or to use a computer to look at your job search available for Tesco. I would recommend to use the Job Centre to apply for your job at Tesco because when you have successfully found the job your interested in the Job Centre would print out all the details of the job, they may give you a application form for the job required but overall they would help you in most situations such as looking for a job not too far away and they will help you find the appropriate job for you. * Ask Tesco - By asking Tesco you will need to step into a branch and ask to speak to the
Ethical Buisness
Ethical business practices include assuring that the highest legal and moral standards are observed in your relationships with the people in your business community. This includes the most important person in your business, your customer. Short term profit at the cost of losing a customer is long term death for your business. A reputation for ethical decisions builds trust in your business among business associates and suppliers. Strong supplier relationships are critical to a successful business. Consider the problems you might have if you could not supply what the customer needs...at the time that they need it. The entrepreneur is the role model for employees. If your behavior includes lying to customers, taking money out of the cash register, or taking home some of the inventory or supplies, you cannot be surprised if your employees follow your lead. Your family members may see the business as their own and take things that really belong to the business. Employees may see this as being dishonest, or as a conflict with their needs for a raise in pay. The community expects your business to operate in an ethical manner that enhances the image of the community as a whole. If you are located in a mall, for example, your code of ethics will help or hinder customer traffic for the other businesses too. A reputation for telling customers anything they want to hear, regardless