Can Rip-Rap Protect StartBay In A Major Storm?

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Section 3 – Can Rip-Rap Protect Start Bay

In A Major Storm?

Rip-Rap is basically a type of sea defence. It comprises of large boulders lined up at the top of the beach, which are designed to stop the energy of the waves from getting right to the top of the beach and further. They are type of natural sea defence in that they have not been man-made, just placed by man. However, they can’t just be any old boulder from anywhere, they have to be the right size and shape or they will be virtually useless.

We went to the beach at Beesands Village to measure some of the Rip-Rap that had been placed there to try and stop the waves and tides from eroding the coastline even more than it already had been. Again, split into groups, we were asked to measure 3 of the rocks in the Rip-Rap wall, and collate the measurements of these. They were height, length, and width.

My group tried to find 3 boulders that were of a different shape and size to the others, so that we could see if the boulders were good enough and heavy enough to be effective defence. The equipment we used to collect the measurements was just a tape measure. There were several limitations on the way we collected the results, and these may have affected the final results we collected to see if the Rip-Rap was effective. The results we collected from the 3 boulders are displayed in the table below:

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Now we had found the volume, or how much there was of the boulder in terms of cubic metres, we had to find the mass of it. For this, we had to know the density of the rocks, which was given to us. This number would give us the weight of 1 cubic metre of the boulder, then all we had to do was times this number by the density. This ‘magic’ number was 2.8, so, in the table below, I have completed the equation for the mass of each rock.

The mean mass for ...

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