Compare children's books and adult's books by setting an appropriate hypothesis and then finding relevant data to prove it.

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This is my maths statistics coursework, which is called, read all about it. The aim of this coursework is for me to statistically analyse books or newspapers.

My Plan

My plan is to compare children’s books and adult’s books by setting an appropriate hypothesis and then finding relevant data to prove it. I have decided that my hypothesis will be that there are longer words in adult’s fiction books than in children’s fiction books. I am going to do this by counting the numbers of letters in a word. I am going to use three children’s adventure books and three adult romance books, this is to stop bias and make data more reliable by using more than one book. I am going to use books by different authors this is so as to stop being biased. I am going to use the first one hundred words from the middle page from each book; this is also to stop being bias by using random sampling.


With these words, I will make a tally chart to show the number of letters in each word. From the data I am going to find the mean, mode, median and range produce cumulative frequency graphs and box plots for each book and then compares them. I am also going to work out the standard deviation and compare them to show sprea

Results- Lightning Strikes/Adults Book

                                                                                        = 459

Mean= 4.59                                Mode=2

Median= 4                                        Range= 10

Standard Deviation = 15.19

Results- the Obsession/Adults Book


Mean=4.24                                        Mode=3

Median=3                                        Range= 10


Standard Deviation = 15.54

Results-Leap of Faith/Adults Book


Mean= 4.21                                Mode= 3

Median=3                                        Range= 11

Standard Deviation = 15.21

Results- Mr Majeika/Children’s Book


Mean= 4.17                                Mode=2

Median= 4                                        Range= 9

Standard Deviation = 14.13

Results- Naughty Amelia Jane/ Children’s Books


Mean= 3.9                                        Mode= 3

Median= 4                                        Range= 9

Standard Deviation = 16.18

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Results- The Hedgehog/ Children’s Book


Mean= 3.75                                        Mode= 3

Median= 3                                                 Range= 8

Standard Deviation = 15.15                                                                            

Cumulative Frequency Tables

Lightning Strikes

The Obsession

Leap of Faith

Mr Majeika

Naughty Ameilia Jane

The Hedgehog


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