Data presentation coursework - collect a set of data from a data source following lines of enquiries and then presenting and evaluating that data.

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        Alexey Zverev 11GS

Data Presentation Maths Coursework


For my math’s GCSE course I am required to complete a number of projects. These will include number exploration and data presentation. This piece is my Data presentation coursework. For this piece I am required to collect a set of data from a data source following lines of enquiries and then presenting and evaluating that data.

The Data Source

I will be collecting my data from a database containing data from a fictional school. The school itself is fictional but the data on the students is real and has been collected from real people. The data on Mayfield high is as follows;

The total number of students at the school is 1183.

Lines of Enquiry

I intend to collect data based on two lines of enquiry these are as follows

Height – Weight


Sampling is the method which I will be using to collect my data. I will be using stratified sampling as this is the only fair way of making sure that each year and sex group get the proper ratio of samples. This method prevents the minorities getting a major effect on the data and ensures that all groups are taken into account. Working out the amount of people in a group for stratified sampling is done by working out what percentage of the overall students the group consists of. i.e. if 25 students were a group out of 100, then 25% of the data must come from that group.

As I am collecting 100 samples, the group amounts will be as follows;

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As Stratified sampling is a form of random sampling, I must use a random number generator to acquire the numbers of the students to collect data off of. To do this I use the =RAND() function in excel and multiply the numbers by 1183 to get numbers between 0 and 1183, the number of students in the school. This method is not guaranteed to collect all of the data required in each group, if this happens then I will just keep generating random numbers until it does.

Prediction 1

I believe that the taller the person, the ...

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