Gender and language.

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Selina Esscopri


Gender and Language


In this piece of coursework I will be investigating the difference between the way men and women talk.

I have provided a transcript, which shows how a conversation is structured when a man and a women is speaking. As a backup to this investigation I have carried out research which involves further reading about different aspects in gender and language.

This transcript has been taped in private; both characters are unaware of the recording. The conversation which is taped, takes place between a husband and wife. The speech is a mixture of topics and it is hard to identify the subject which they are talking about.

The female (wife) initiates the topic and then is interrupted by the male (husband) this proves that the male has anticipated speaking. e.g.:

Join now!

                        B- Are you gonna take me ta [err

                                                        A-[shoppin on Sat er day

The participant has completed the speech using syntactic and semantic monitoring. The male has over lapped the speech while the female is still speaking.

Overlaps are instances of slight over anticipation by the next speaker: (overlapping the last word, of the current speaker). Zimmerman and West examined irregularities in the transcribed conversation these are points in the conversation where turn taking did not follow the smooth pattern. They found profound differences between the conversations involving two speakers of the same sex and ...

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