Abortion coursework

Jon Geary

The definition of abortion

          The definition of abortion is the Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival.

The UK's abortion law

Abortion is legal in the UK up to the 24th week of pregnancy. However, if there is a substantial risk to the woman's life or if there are foetal abnormalities there is no time limit.

To comply with the 1967 Abortion Act, two doctors must give their consent, stating that to continue with the pregnancy would present a risk to the physical or mental health of the woman or her existing children.

However, the 1967 Act does not extend to Northern Ireland, where abortion is still illegal

My opinions of reasons for abortion

        I think the reasons for a woman to have an abortion should be determined by the situation that they are in e.g. if they were raped, I think that this reason would be acceptable. Here are some more reasons for abortion below:

  • Rape
  • If the unborn baby has a complication/illness
  • If the mother has a serious illness themselves
  • Lifestyle
  • Financial
  • Large family
  • Age
  • Capability as a mother.

  If the woman that chose to have unprotected sex and she got pregnant, then this would be a non-valid reason for abortion because the woman knew what she was doing and did not think of the consequences.

Organisation that favour and are against abortion


SPUC is part of the UK Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. SPUC was formed in 1966 in response to the campaign for the decriminalisation of abortion under the Abortion Act of 1967. SPUC recognised that the Abortion Act would be a step onto the slippery slope leading to abortion on demand and the decline in respect for all human life and dignity. SPUC is principally a parliamentary pressure group. However, we also carry out extensive educational work, as we believe that only through education can we ever hope to change the attitudes of society and the laws by which it is governed.

SPUC’s founding principle is one of respect for all human life and as a result we have seen our activities expand to include, not only abortion, but also embryo experimentation, human cloning and euthanasia.

SPUC recognises too that mothers and fathers, as well as babies, are victims of abortion and so our daughter organisation British Victims of Abortion (BVA) provides counselling for women and men suffering from Post-Abortion Trauma as well as crisis pregnancy counselling. SPUC also has close links with other pro-life and crisis pregnancy organisations.

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        All Parliamentary Pro Choice Group

Launched on the same day as the Voice for Choice campaign at a meeting in the House of Lords was a cross-party group of MPs and Peers, who agreed to spearhead a campaign to improve women's access to abortion by parliamentary means. The All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Choice Group is chaired by Baroness Gould, former Labour Director of Organisation, before being made a life peer in 1993. By the end of the year the group had 82 members - 64 MPs and 18 Peers. It is serviced by the Pro-Choice Alliance co-ordinator Jane Roe who ...

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