People have different ideas on when life begins and when the baby becomes a foetus.
Roman Catholics believe life begins at the point of conception(as soon as the egg is fertilised by the sperm) because the genetic make-up of the future is already present.
There are also other possible suggestions for when life begins;
- Fertilised egg embedding in the womb.
- At the point where the heart begins to beat which is the third week after fertilisation.
- When the baby is capable of surviving on its own which is usually 22 weeks on into the pregnancy.
What biblical and church teachings might be used in a discussion about Abortion?
Biblical teaching does not really approach abortion because abortion is a recent advance but the Bible does stress on the sanctity on human life.
Christians believe that all life is a gift from God and human life is precious and sacred.
Genesis describes how God made Adam and then “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” God did not do this with other types of species but only humans.
Men and women are created “in the image of God; So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27) So therefore men and women are superior and different to all other forms of life.
They are unique because they are in some way seen as a reflection of God as they have spiritual capacity that other forms of life do not have. “You made him (man) a little lower than heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honour.” (Psalms 8:5).
Humans also have a soul which does not die but lives on after death. The soul is judged by God and can join God in heaven for eternity. This is why humans are different from animals.
The 6th commandment “Thou shall not murder” is interpreted by Christians as meaning that no-one has the right to end the life o another human being under any circumstances because God gives life and it is so valuable that it shouldn’t be taken away.
“Do you not know that you are God’ temple…” (1 Corinthians 3:16). This is saying that we should respect ourselves (God’ temple) and so therefore we are valuable as humans.
“Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” (Psalms 82:4). This suggests that the unborn foetus is the weak and needy therefore they need to be
protected from those who want to kill them (abortion).
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I set you apart: I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
“You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalms 139:13). These two passages mean that God has knowledge of you even before you were formed in the womb therefore life is precious and should not be destroyed. Christians believe that God alone should determine a human’s moment of conception as well as their moment of death. “…the Lord gave, and the Lord taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21).
Some Christians may say that it is wrong to spoil God’ plan by preventing a baby from being born, either by using contraception or having an abortion therefore life is very significant.
“When in the course of brawl, a man knocks against a pregnant woman so that she has a miscarriage….whenever hurt is done, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth…” (Exodus 20-22). This says that the punishment for causing a miscarriage is not as great as killing a born child which seems to suggest that an unborn child is not as valuable as a born one. Therefore this could support abortion.
Also some people believe that if God did not want people to have abortions, then why did He give people the medical knowledge to perform abortions.
The Roman Catholic Church sustains the strongest objection to all unnatural forms contraception and abortion. The church teaches that abortion declines the right to exist which is the most fundamental of all human rights. The Catechism of the Catholic church states: “from the first movement of his(her) existence, a human being must be recognised as having the rights of a person- among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. From the time that the ovum is fertilised a new life is begun which is neither that of the father or the mother. It is the life of a new human being with its own growth. It would never become human if it were not human already.”
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that it is wrong to kill an unborn child at whatever stages of development, because sacred human life deserves to be treated with respect. Even in a result of rape the Roman Catholic Church would not support abortion, because the foetus should not have to pay the price for someone else’ crime. Instead they encourage the women to have babies adopted if they really cannot cope with bringing them up. Abortion is a serious sin and everyone should respect life.
Many Christians from different churches agree with this view. However other Christians believe that the foetus cannot be described as a life until later on in the pregnancy.
The Anglican Church and the Church of Scotland believe that “all human life, including life developing in the womb, is created by God in his own image and is therefore to be nurtured, supported and protected. And marriage is the ideal context for the procreation and rearing of children.”
The church merges the strong opposition to abortion with recognition that there can be limited conditions under which it is morally legitimate, for example;
- It risks the life or serious health of the mother, either physical or mortal.
- A case of rape or incest has been proven
- Or where it is known the foetus is damaged or deformed.
The United Reformed Church recognises that there is a wide range of views, but it suggests that there is a difference between a foetus that is almost born, and the early stages of pregnancy.
The Methodist Conference 1976 declared that abortion is always evil. However single mothers should always be encouraged to have their baby adopted if they choose no to keep it. But the church recognises there are cases where abortion is the lesser of two evils:
- In such cases as where the embryo (foetus) is severely handicapped.
- The pregnancy is the result of rape
- Or the health, either mental or physical, of the mother is at risk.
The Salvation Army also believe that life begins at the point of conception. But they do accept that abortion should happen in some cases for example if the mother’s life is at risk.
Even though Christians are divided on the issue of abortion, all Christians believe it is vital to offer support to everyone who faces hard issues such as these, and they should be offered support and counselling, regardless of what is decided.