Kome Emuh



What is meant by the word abortion?

The definition from the dictionary states that abortion is: The termination of a pregnancy by artificial or chemical means.

Since procured abortions were legal over 4.5 million pregnancies have been deliberately ended.

The Abortion act in 1967 made abortion legal but before 1967 abortion was illegal in the U.K. and about 200 000 abortions were performed illegally. A legal abortion is made if:

  • There are two doctors that agree and the procedure is carried out before the baby could survive outside the womb (which is 24 weeks to date).
  • Continuing the pregnancy would put the mother or other family members at any great risk.
  • It can avoid permanent injury, physical or physiological damage to the mother.

It is not legal in Northern Ireland apart from in exceptional circumstances.

 There are different reasons for having a procured abortion;

  • Too young                                Too many children                          
  • Too old                                Inherit disorder/illness                  
  • Too poor                                Baby is disabled or handicapped
  • Baby is not wanted                        Mother’s life is at risk
  • Mother is mentally unstable                 Lone parent
  • Inconvenience                                Rape

Year 2000: Abortions on residents in England and Wales, by age group:

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People have different ideas on when life begins and when the baby becomes a foetus.

Roman Catholics believe life begins at the point of conception(as soon as the egg is fertilised by the sperm) because the genetic make-up of the future is already present.

There are also other possible suggestions for when life begins;

  • Fertilised egg embedding in the womb.
  • At the point where the heart begins to beat which is the third week after fertilisation.
  • When the baby is capable of surviving on its own which is usually 22 weeks on into the pregnancy.


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