Blackbody Radiation.

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Blackbody Radiation:

It is well-known that when a body is heated it emits electromagnetic radiation. For example, if a piece of iron is heated to a few hundred degrees, it gives off e.m. radiation which is predominantly in the infra-red region. When the temperature is raised to 1000C it will begin to glow with reddish color which means that the radiation emitted by it is in the visible red region having wavelengths shorter than in the previous case. If heated further it will become white-hot and the radiation emitted is shifted towards the still shorter wave-length blue color in the visible spectrum. Thus the nature of the radiation depends on the temperature of the emitter.

A heated body not only emits radiation but it also absorbs a part of radiation falling on it. If a body absorbs all the radiant energy falling on it, then its absorptive power is unity. Such a body is called a black body.

An ideal blackbody is realized in practice by heating to any desired temperature a hollow enclosure (cavity) and with a very small orifice. The inner surface is coated with lamp-black. Thus radiation entering the cavity through the orifice is incident on its blackened inner surface and is partly absorbed and partly reflected. The reflected component is again incident at another point on the inner surface and gets partly absorbed and partly reflected. This process of absorption and reflection continues until the incident beam is totally absorbed by the body.

The inner walls of the heated cavity also emit radiation, a part of which can come out through the orifice. This radiation has the characteristics of blackbody radiation - the spectrum of which can be analyzed by an infra-red spectrometer.

Experimental results show that the blackbody radiation has a continuous spectrum (shown in the graph). The intensity of the emitted radiation El is plotted as a function of the wavelength l for different temperatures. The wavelength of the emitted radiation ranges continuously from zero to infinity. El increases with increasing temperature for all wavelengths. It has very low values for both very short and very long wavelengths and has a maximum in between at some wavelength lmax. lmax depends on the temperature of the blackbody and decreases with increasing temperature.

The shift in the peak of the intensity distribution curve obeys an empirical relationship known as Wien's displacement law:

lmax T = constant.

The total power radiated per unit area of a blackbody can be derived from thermodynamics. This is known as Stefan-Boltzmann law which can be expressed mathematically as:

E = s T4,

where s = 5.67 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4 is known as Stefan's constant.

Note that the total power E radiated is obtained by integrating El over all wavelengths. W. Wien proposed an empirical relationship between El with l for a given temperature T:

El (T) = A exp(-B/lT)/l5,

where the constants A and B are chosen arbitrarily so as to fit the experimental energy distribution curves.

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But it was later found that the experimental data don't follow Wien's empirical relation at larger wavelengths [See Fig. below ].


Wien's theory of intensity of radiation was based only on arguments from thermodynamics not on any plausible model. Considering the radiation system as composed of a bunch of harmonic oscillators Rayleigh and Jeans derived (using thermodynamics) an expression for the emitted radiation El:

El = (c/4) (8pkBT/l4).

'kB' is the Boltzman constant (kB=1.345 x 10-23 J/K).

The above expression agrees well with the experimental results at long wavelengths but drastically fails at shorter wavelengths. In the limit l -> 0, El -> ...

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