Effects of exercise on pulse rate.

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Effects of exercise on pulse rate


  • The apparatus which I we will be using in this investigation are: · A person doing the exercise
  • A stop watch - the make sure that the person does the exercise for the certain time which is required.


     First of all I intend to record my pulse (resting pulse rate) before the exercise.

Then I will carry out a series of simple exercises, which will have an effect on my pulse rate. I will record and compare the results, recording my heart after the exercise for 1 minute. I will be performing one basic exercise – step-ups. A step test provides a convenient mean to use heart rate to evaluate the efficiency of the cardiovascular response to aerobic exercise. It will also include analysing the results to see if there are any trends or patterns in the results, and putting relevant information in the form of graphs and charts. At the end of the investigation I will use scientific knowledge and understanding to explain as well as to analyse my findings.

     I will use the same step throughout the investigation in order to keep the test fair. I will be performing the step – ups for 1 minute, recording how many I can do in that minute. I will do three sets of these, and take the average of the three results. I have chosen to perform three sets because this amount should be enough for me to be able to compare results.

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     This should be a safe experiment, but to secure mine and other pupil’s safety I will ensure that everybody is standing well away from me.

     There are some variables which I will not be able to control, and some which I will. For example, if I perform the first set wearing trainers and the second wearing school shoes the first set is likely to be a higher result because trainers are lighter and more comfortable than school shoes. This therefore is a controlled variable. I must perform all three sets wearing the same footwear in order ...

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