Investigating the factors affecting the current flowing through a wire.

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Anna Belcher        Physics

Investigating the factors affecting the current flowing through a wire

Background Knowledge

In this investigation I will be measuring the current flowing through a length of wire. A current is a flow of electric charge and will only flow when there is a complete circuit and a voltage. All substances are made of atoms which consist of a nucleus surrounded by moving electrons. In metals the outer electrons are ‘free’ and can be made to flow in one direction. If a potential difference is applied to a wire in a complete circuit a current will flow because the ‘free’ electrons will move. The electrons will move away from the negative side of the power supply and towards the positive side although the conventional current goes against the flow of electrons. The diagram below shows the electron flow.

        There are two types of current that can flow around a circuit. Direct current is when the charge flows continuously in one direction. An alternating current is when the current flows alternately in both directions (positive to negative and vice versa). This can be shown on an oscilloscope as shown in the diagram below.

The current is a measure of the number of charges per second (Cs-1) and is measured in Amperes (A).

1A = 1Cs-1

An ammeter is used to measure the current and does this by measuring the number of charges passing a point per second. The equation to work out the current is shown below.

Current (A) = Charge (C)

                         Time (s)

Charge flows from a point of high potential to a point of lower potential. Potential difference, which is measured in volts by a voltmeter, is the difference between them. One volt is one joule per coulomb so the voltage of a power supply is telling us how many joules of energy each coulomb that passes through it, transfers.

The current flowing through a metal wire is directly proportional to the potential difference across it. As you increase the potential difference the current also increases.

This is because there is a greater push from the power supply as the voltage is increased so the movement of electrons is faster meaning a greater flow of charge.

The resistance of a wire is calculated by applying Ohm’s law:

Resistance (R) = Voltage (V)

        Current (I)

Current (I) = voltage (V)

        Resistance (R)

Voltage (V) = Current (I) x Resistance (R)

Ohm’s law can be used to work out the voltage, current of resistance of a circuit.

The current is directly proportional to the potential difference. This means that if you double the potential difference the current is also doubled and if the potential difference is halved so to is the current. The graph below shows this:

The steeper the graph the lower the resistance and the flatter the graph the higher resistance. A substance which is an ohmic conductor will give a straight line graph that goes through the origin. Copper wire and all other metals give this shape graph if the temperature is kept constant.


The factors that affect the amount of current flowing through a wire are

  • Length of wire
  • Cross sectional area
  • Temperature
  • Material
  • Voltage

I have chosen to vary the length of the wire

        The length of wire has an affect because in a long piece of wire the flow of electrons will be slower due to the high number of collisions over the longer distance, causing the resistance to be higher. The current will therefore decrease as the charges will move slower through the circuit. The longer the length of wire the more material there is for the electrons to flow through meaning there are more ions to collide with. On collision the electrons lose more energy so slow down. A diagram of this is shown below.

A short piece of wire has less ions so there will be fewer collisions causing the resistance to be lower. This will cause an increase in the current as charges will move faster through the circuit. The electrons drift though a shorter distance so therefore there will be less collisions over the shorter distance. This means that the electrons will use less energy and therefore the current will be greater. A diagram of this is shown below.

        The cross sectional area of the wire will affect the current flowing through the wire. The greater the cross sectional area the thicker the wire. There will be more resistance in a thinner wire as there are fewer charges (e-) passing a point per unit volume per second. Therefore there will be a lower current and a higher resistance. This is shown in the diagram below.

There will be less resistance in a thicker wire.  This is because there are more charges drifting though the wire per unit volume. Therefore there will be a greater number passing any point per second so there is a greater current and a lower resistance. This is shown in the diagram below.

In order to use a wire of a suitable thickness a micrometer can be used to measure the diameter. This will measure the diameter accurately to within 2 decimal places.

        The temperature of the wire will affect the resistance greatly. In a cold wire metal ions vibrate from fixed positions. The vibrations of the metal ions occupy less volume as they have less vibrational energy due to the lower temperature. There will be fewer collisions between the free electrons and the metal ions and therefore there will be a low resistance. The current will therefore be high as the free electrons will move through the metal relatively quickly. This is shown in the diagram below.

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In a hot wire metal ions vibrate from fixed positions. The vibrations of the metal ions occupy a larger volume as they have a greater vibrational energy due to the high temperature. This will cause there to be more collisions between the free electrons and the metal ions and therefore there will be a high resistance. The current will therefore be low as the free electrons will move through the metal slowly. This is shown in the diagram below.


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