Bio practical - The influence of pH on the activity of catalase

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The influence of pH on the activity of catalase

The influence of pH on the activity of catalase

Table showing the influence of pH on the activity of catalase on hydrogen peroxide by counting oxygen bubble production at different pH levels at 21 degrees Celsius



The pH of the buffer solution highly influenced the activity of catalase on hydrogen peroxide as the number of oxygen bubbles produced per minute were different for each buffer solution with a different pH level whilst every variable was held constant. The optimum pH of catalase is pH7 as it produced the highest average of 99 oxygen bubbles per minute. As the pH moved away from pH7, less oxygen bubbles were produced, for example pH3 had the lowest average of 11 oxygen bubbles produced per minute as it was the farthest from pH7.The bell shaped best curved fit on graph1 supports this explanation. So the closer the pH is to pH7, the higher the activity of catalase on the hydrogen peroxide as active site will bind the H₂O₂ molecules better,if the pH is less than 2 the structure of the enzyme is likely to be irreversibly altered,thus denaturing it.

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Table showing weaknesses and possible improvements for the influence of pH on the activity of catalase experiment.



Francis Irenge