
Enzyme Lab

Aim: Investigate the effect of a factor that influences enzyme activity

Background: Scientists attended a Pre Lab discussion about enzymes reviewing the many factors that should commonly affect enzymes such as temperature, poison, pH, number of enzymes and solubility. The role of enzymes was also reviewed in order for students to develop their own lab.  Enzymes are proteins which serve as a catalysts, a chemical agent that changes the rate of a reaction without being consumed by the reaction. Every reaction before starting has a hill of energy that it must first get over before it can begin its reaction known as the Energy of Activation. This energy of activation is much higher without the enzyme present and with the enzyme is lowered to the point where reactants can turn into products more readily. In regards to temperature, higher temperatures speed up all reactions but at a certain temperature enzymes begin to become denatured(deactivated) and at even higher temperatures 60 ⁰ or more they only continue to become less effective.

Research Question:  At what temperature does the catalase of lived produce the most Oxygen in a reaction of hydrogen peroxide?

Hypothesis: If the catalase’s temperature is changed by both heating and cooling then the catalase will be most effective in terms of amount of Oxygen produced (ml) when cooled.

Independent Variable: Temperature of enzyme liver

-Increased the liver temperature by 22⁰C from room temperature of the catalase solution to correlate a high temperature at 44⁰C

-Decreasing the liver temperature by 22⁰C from room temperature of the catalase solution to correlate a low temperature 0⁰C

-Increase is by 22⁰C because in order to reach 0⁰C it must be decreased by 22⁰C from room temperature

        -Begin with room temperature

Dependent Variable: Amount of Oxygen produced from the liver, Hydrogen Peroxide reaction (ml)

        -Calculated by the amount of water displaced by Oxygen

Control Variable: Room temperature of the Liver


-15 test tubes                         -1 plastic tub                        -Hot Water Tub

-3 Thermometers                -Ice Bath tub                        -1 100ml beaker

-3 Pipets                        -Tongs                                - 2 10ml graduated cylinders

-Blender                        -Weightboat                        -Scalpel

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- 1 stopper w/ tub                - Liver Container                -Water

-Hydrogen Peroxide                - Clock

Data Table:

Calculation Table:


        Avg Amount of Water displaced = Avg

        Avg= Sum of trials 1-5/3 of Trials

        Avg= 5.0ml+5.0ml+8.5ml+3.0ml+4.5ml/5



  1. Retrieve Lab Materials from Supplies Cart in Center of the Lab
  2. Construct a Data a Table for recording data collected
  1. Label Column One Temperature (⁰C)
  2. Label Columns 2-6 Trial followed by numbers 1-5
  3. Label row 1 column 1 0⁰C
  4. Label row 2 column 1  Room Temperature leaving space to add calculated temperature
  5. Leave row 3 column 1 44⁰C
  1. Retrieve ...

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