Internal Assessment:Observing and testing standard of soil

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Gimazija Bezidgrad                                                           Suhrob Mahkamov

Biology Sl                                                                                     3Q

Andrej Podobnik                                                                        11.05.09        


Observing and testing standard of soil.


The main issue of growing up the plants in good condition is dependent on many factors like soil, the pH, the amount of humus and water and etc. This gives to plant different options.

In this experiment specimen of soil from the 1-15cm and after 15cm from every examined named: transition, pathway, meadow will be taken.

        The main purpose of this lab work was to observe the properties of soil and to find the values of their pH, amount of water, amount of humus and amount of limestone.


  • The pH of the soil has to have neutral results (7), because the plants would be slaughtered by acidic soil.
  • The least limestone consist area is meadow, as observation shows meadow have most plants in comparison with all areas. With high concentration of CaCO3 that amount of plants would be able to growth.
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The fixed variable: in this experiment is rate of heat,

Independent: the mass and type of soil.

Dependent: is the mass of water, humus, CaCO3 and pH.

Material Used

  • Beakers.
  • Soil from pathway, meadow and transition, between 1-15cm and after 15cm.
  • Potassium chloride solution.
  • 10% hydrochloric acid.
  • pH paper.
  • Test tubes.
  • Teaspoon


I) Finding Amount of water:

Take soil from three different places first place will be Transition, second Pathway and third is Meadow take in the height from 1-15 cm and after 15cm for each soil. After ...

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