Give an illustrated account of the role of the nucleus during protein synthesis. Include the terms hereditary material, DNA, genes, chromosomes, RNA and the nucleolus.

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Assignment 5

Task 3 - Give an illustrated account of the role of the nucleus during protein synthesis. Include the terms hereditary material, DNA, genes, chromosomes, RNA and the nucleolus.

Each section of DNA (deoxyribo nucleic acid) codes for different components of the body to be made, and copied. Proteins can be copied from the DNA through a process known as protein synthesis. The nucleolus is a specialised ares in the nucleus which gathers together RNA and protein which migrates to the cytoplasm to form ribosomes essential in protein synthesis. Both DNA, and proteins are made up from many components, and breaking these down and re-forming helps to make the protein.

Proteins are made up of many amino acids joined in a specific order and attached by peptide bonds. The specific order of the amino acids tell the protein what it is coding for, and how to fold into the secondary and tertiary structure for it to become fully functional. The diagram below shows a short section of a polypeptide, with different amino acids represented by different colours, and peptide bonds in a light blue colour.


Within the nucleus of the human body cell is 46 chromosomes containing hereditary material, some from your mother and some from your father, each chromosome is one DNA molecule. Along this strand of DNA is many genes, all coding for one polypeptide chain. DNA is made up of many neucleotides, these are in turn made up of smaller components, one neucleotide is made up of a pentose sugar, (the pentagon shape) a carbon base (rectangle shape) and a phosphate molecule (shown in the diagram as a circle). Three neucleotides form one codon, and this is how the DNA is 'read', in codons, each of theses codons can code for a specific amino acid. It is important that they are in triplets, because if it was just a single neucleotide there would only be four different codings as there are only four bases. Using three neucleotides to form the codon means that there are 64 different possibilities (four choises on each base, three bases so 4x4x4 = 64). It is many of these joined together in the way shown that makes up a section of DNA. There are two strands of DNA, the Sense or template strand, and the other one simply for stabalisation. The two strands of DNA are joined together by hydrogen bonds between the bases, these are specific bases and will only form bonds with their complementary base pair.
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The bases parings are different for RNA becaue there is no Thymine, but it is replaced by Uricil to pair with Adenine

The central dogma, or the underlying theme of genetics can be sumarised as 'The DNA of gene codes for the production of RNA which in turn codes for the production of a polypeptide' according to Human Biology - Boyle, Indge, Senior. See picture below.


Now the structure of DNA and Proteins are clear, and we have an idea about genetics, it will be far easier to explain how ...

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