Difficult Personality Traits: Their Effect and Resolution in the Workplace.

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Difficult Personality Traits:

Their Effect and Resolution in the Workplace.


An office environment is just like any other situation where many people must work together in order to achieve similar goals. There are going to be natural leaders among the group along with natural followers. Some will be extroverted and firm in their conviction while others may be more introverted and easily swayed to the majority opinion on an issue. Every employee, from management to labor, brings with them personality traits that are unique to that individual. Some characteristics are most welcome, such as leadership ability or diplomacy in discussions. Other personality traits, however, can adversely affect the delicate interpersonal dynamics of the office environment.

An employee who is difficult to manage can make your life absolutely miserable. They can be every bit as disruptive to the forward progress of your company as an employee who lacks the skills or initiative to be the job well.

Often the underlying causes of employee’s negative behavior patterns are quite simple. They may have the perception that they are not appreciated. They may feel they have not been complimented adequately for work well done. They may feel they deserve more attention. Remember, you should always be liberal with compliments. Key employees especially need attention from you but this is advice that is easier to give than need.

Difficult people can be responsible for attitudes at work deteriorating and negativism growing. They can be responsible for absenteeism, significant loss in productivity and lost clients. They can frustrate and demoralize individuals and teams. You spend every day of your life negotiating, interacting and communicating with people in your workplace.

This project is an essential survival tool for anybody who deals with people. It will help you to identify ways to motivate the inactive, face abusive situations in an appropriate manner and learn how to work with caustic personalities. It offers specific behavior responses for each of the major personality types.

Problem: Personalities

         Everyone is irritable or indecisive at times. But some people are also so difficult that they make others lives and work a strain. Dealing with difficult people is easier when you learn to recognize some common personality types. Then, you can develop coping skills for dealing with each without trying to change them. (Axelrod&Holtje, 2000)

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Types of Negative Personality Traits

There is a question that needs to be answered; what make people have negative personality? Usually, the difficult person is someone who is working from the negative side of their personality, rather than a conscious desire to be difficult. The person is often unaware of themselves and how they affect others. They also do not realize how harmful their actions are to their own career success.

In the business world, we are constantly faced with trying to work with others who may challenge our ability to get things done. There are different negative personality traits ...

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