Product development report. This report details the progress over the last 6 months of our R&D team for Apples new domestic product/service area, iHome.

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Group: 3                ELE606 Report

Table of Contents

Individual Member Contribution: Euan Macrae        

Individual Member Contribution: Terrick D’Oyen Graham        

Individual Member Contribution: Hanif Akhtar        

Individual Member Contribution: Muhammad Syed        

Individual Member Contribution: Shawon Senjuti        

Future Plan        


Gantt Chart        

Market Research        

Summary of Responsibilities

Individual Member Contribution: Euan Macrae

Introduction (Pg 4); Strategic Fit (Pg 5); Conclusion (Pg 16)

Individual Member Contribution: Terrick D’Oyen Graham

Introduction (Pg 4); Strategic Fit (Pg 5); Conclusion (Pg 16)

Individual Member Contribution: Hanif Akhtar

Technical Details (Pg 6)

Individual Member Contribution: Muhammad Syed

Technical Details (Pg 6)

Individual Member Contribution: Shawon Senjuti

Market Research (Pg 14)


This report details the progress over the last 6 months of our R&D team for Apple’s new domestic product/service area, iHome. Specifically, the design and technical details relating to a new innovation within this sector, which has been explored at length during this time period. Having previously studied the external and strategic factors affecting Apple’s diversification strategy, it was decided that the domestic product market would be a feasible area of expansion. This new area is named iHome, and in order to provide controllability over all products under this name we have developed a new product system named the iLink. This will be discussed at length in the following sections, as well as the strategic fit with Apple’s diversification strategy. This report will be divided into the following sections:

Description of Strategic Fit

  • How iHome fits with Apple’s global diversification strategy

Technical Details

  • A comprehensive description of iLink including diagrams and specifications
  • Project plan for the next market year

Market Research

  • Results of consumer market research on the iLink

Members of Research & Development (R&D) Team

  • Details of skills and requirements of members of R&D team


  • Conclusions drawn by team and recommendations made to management board.

Strategic Fit

Apple has had numerous successes with diversification into new product areas in the past. Some of these have included the consumer electronics and music industries. Therefore Apple has the capacity and experience to successfully facilitate the expansion to the new chosen product/service area, the domestic product market (iHome). Over the years, Apple has effectively created new and innovative products from these areas, which has resulted in a large and faithful customer base globally. Hence, Apple will need to continue this trend when diversifying into the domestic marketplace to retain its reputation and brand loyal consumers whilst attracting potentially new clientele. Additionally Apple has chosen the domestic market sector as there is no clear market leader for these products. Therefore, with the correct mix of technological innovation and marketing strategy they could potentially capitalise on the lack of dominance in the area and become the market leader.

A new innovative development in the world today is the concept of ‘Smart Houses’, whereby a number of household functions (such as TVs, fans, Hi-Fis e.t.c.) can be controlled autonomously from one system. This system would be responsible for the operation of the functionalities of various domestic appliances from one control unit, meaning the user can oversee the usage of any one appliance from various locations within the house.

The new product from the iHome domestic range, called the iLink will be responsible for fulfilling the above functionalities. Provided the user has previously purchased products from the iHome range (e.g. TVs, fans, Washing Machines, Microwaves e.t.c.), the iLink will provide an efficient user interface for the management of individual functionalities (e.g. changing the cycles on a washing machine) from anywhere within a particular range. This product would continue Apple’s convention of innovation within a product/service area, as no similar technological invention currently exists within the marketplace. The iLink could therefore assist the inevitable transition from ‘standard accommodations’ to ‘Smart houses’ in the future, potentially appealing to house-owners of the future. Bearing in mind the spending power and reputation of Apple’s R&D team, and the current lack of competition, iLink has a very high chance of market success.

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The domestic product market is constantly developing to meet changing consumer needs, therefore there will be continual demand (short and long term) for products such as iLink to incorporate the functionalities of these new products and provide ease of controllability for their operations. Apple will not face any immediate competition for the iLink, as no other companies currently have the wealth of resources or capabilities that Apple presently possess. This would mean the iLink will be a unique innovation within the field of domestic products, which is an attractive selling point. The customer base for the iLink will be diverse ...

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