During 1839 a highly toxic substance was discovered by the name of carbon tetrachloride.  Created by the reaction of chlorine with chloroform, carbon tetrachloride is manufactured when chlorine and methane or chlorine and carbon disulfide react.  The process including methane became the prominent way of production in the United States during the 1950’s, but the process dealing with carbon disulfide remained important to countries in which natural gases were not abundant.  

Because of its excellent solvent properties and non-flammability, carbon tetrachloride has been in use for many decades in certain products such as grease solvents, dry cleaning solvents, and fire extinguishing agents. Also it has been used to catalyze ozone depleting CFC’s, chlorofluorocarbons, such as dichlorodifluoromethane (F-12) and trichlorofluoromethane (F-l l), primarily used as refrigerants (freon).  Carbon tetrachloride contributes both to ozone depletion and to global warming.  Recently it has been utilized by industries as a fumigant and feedstock, but because of its toxicity, these uses have been discontinued, and only the industrial use as feedstock remains.  Decomposition of carbon tetrachloride may result in the production of carbon dioxide, hydrochloric acid, and phosgene, a highly poisonous gas.  Carbon tetrachloride has been classified as a substance too hazardous to be put on the market, and that no warning label could be considered adequate to protect consumers, or any who purchase it, from its toxicity.  Although it may contain many good properties and attribute good uses to society and the economy, the bad outweigh the good.  Therefore it should not be marketed due to the danger that it would provoke.  This is why a phase-out was scheduled under the Montreal Protocol, with the exception of feedstock and other essential uses.

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There have been many arguments that have coincided with the creation of carbon tetrachloride.  First of all, it is not natural and is a man made substance.  Secondly, the toxicity of carbon tetrachloride targets some of your most vital organs including the kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system.  Contaminated drinking water, and air and food supplies all became issues when carbon tetrachloride’s true colors were revealed to the world.  Build-ups of this substance would cause severe kidney and liver damage, mild and severe nerve damage, and in even some cases of continued and elevated exposure, death.  Though short exposures ...

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