What Determines The Number And Nature Of Political Parties??

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  • What Determines The Number And Nature Of Political Parties??
  • How Do Differences In These Respects Matter??
  • United States and United Kingdom

  • United States
  • Relies on a strictly Two-Party system – presidential candidates can only ever (realistically) be successful when nominated by Democrats or Republicans.
  • Unique power system originating from:
  • The rejection of the Party system due to perceived danger of partisan alliances as a basis for social and political strife by the founders of US politics, and the immediate reliance of politics upon a singular personality, eg George Washington.
  • Parties were prohibited from developing by preventing members of Congress from gaining membership of the Presidential Electoral College.
  • Despite opposition to the Party system (loyalty to Government and Constitution heavily interlinked) factions did evolve, largely along the North/South divide, based on competition between the commercial (Northern and Coastal) and the rural (Southern and Western).  
  • The legacy of  the Civil War, and the establishment of the US as a Republic meant revolutionary values, preventing any major Tory or Socialist parties emerging, despite periods of progressive social reform.
  • Emergence of national party divisions as opposed to state divisions limited the development of localised, smaller parties.  A series of 5 party systems followed this – Virginia Dynasty (1800-24), Jacksonian Democracy (1824-56), Civil War (1856-96), Republican Majorities (1896-32), and The New Deal Democratic Coalition (1932-).
  • The progression of these show that from a four party system (Virginia Dynasty), Republicans and Democrats gradually came to represent national interests (over slavery, for example), marginalising local parties, and reducing the party system to a clear Two-Party coalition.
  • The immediate catalyst for this system was the Wall Street Crash (1929), producing Democrat dominance under Roosevelt, and an enduring Republican-Democrat coalition.
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  • United Kingdom
  • Strictly speaking, Britain also runs on a (far more diluted) Two-Party system.  Labour and Conservative parties regularly collect 90% of the seats in Parliament.
  • Parliamentary/Cabinet government.
  • Cabinet dominance of the Commons, stable government, and the duality of government and Opposition are all contributors to this.
  • However – evidence from the electorate and declining percentages for these show that the British party system is more diverse, and constantly changing through History.
  • Presence of Liberal Democrats, Nationalist Parties (eg. BNP), the Green Party, and historical developments of Irish Nationalists, Social Democrats, constituency parties, and countless others dilute an ...

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