An Except from The Decay of Lying by Oscar Wilde discussion

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An Except from The Decay of Lying by Oscar Wilde

A dialogue between Cyril and Vivian

Discussion Questions

What does he mean when he says the ‘wonderful brown fog comes from the impressionalists”?

What he means by stating that we get those wonderful brown fogs from impressionalists is that the brown fog that we actually see in reality did not come to exist until the impressionalists based their artwork on it. He argues that regardless of whether this image actually existed previous to the work of art that depicts it, the majority of individuals did not perceive the brown fog in reality because they did not notice it. What the author is trying to say is that all of our surrounding is composed of only the things that we notice. To some extent this deals with the issue of “we only see what we want to see”. This is because a society aims for communion between individuals. Therefore every individual will make the intent to connect in one way or another to everyone else. So if an artists paints an element of nature or of a city that no one had ever seen before, people will be begin to see it with the purpose of fitting into social norm. What is questionable in the author’s Vivian’s theory is not whether it is true that art has that impact on individuals but whether the fog that is painted by these artist in fact exists or if it is a creation of the human imagination striving for a link amongst individuals. There are times where the human mind can result so powerful that it perceives images that do not actually exist, images that may be considered part of an everyday life yet are merely a creation of the mind. So the real question behind his argument is whether artists have realized an element of the world and therefore passed on their knowledge of this realization to others, or if the product of their representation of a fictive idea created this common perception that we all now come to see. Another aspect of this theory that should be looked at links back to the original meaning of impresionalism. Impressionalists strive to connect reality with imagination, most of the time by painting their own perception of reality. It is curious to think that from this intention, a new form of reality is created. This reality consists of the link that common individuals make between what they perceive of reality and what they have interpreted of these paintings. For example, back to the brown fog, as an individual who has perceived the work of art, when looking at fog creeping through the night my perception of this image is completely altered. Not only does my own imagination play with the image I am perceiving, because by nature it is a human quality to contribute part of your own imagination onto an image, but also the image I have previously seen of the painting will influence my perception, creating a new reality that exists in my head and my head alone. Also, the painting that the artist has painted does not exits, not even in the imagination of the author. This is because it would be impossible to paint the exact image he has on his head; therefore by basing my perception of the image on the painting, my entire perception does not exist in a concrete form regardless of my intent to express it.

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2) What is the difference between looking at a thing and seeing a thing according to the article?

To see a thing is to look at it without observing it or making a conclusion about it. Instead to look at something is to see the purpose it has, to analyze the internal message of it. Therefore seeing is similar to spotting, it is more superficial while looking at something is more like staring, and it is more analytical.

3) How is art superior to nature?

Art is superior to nature because art shows different perspectives on ...

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