Film is the most important art form of the 20th Century - Discuss

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Film is the most important art form of the Twentieth Century – Discuss

The use of film and its explorations have progressed steadily since the 1800’s and as our title suggests, it has become an important art form and a huge influence on society today. Influencing the way we live, the way we speak, the way we act and more. There isn’t an art form closer to representing ‘reality’; this is why film has such an affect on all of us!

        The first ‘image of motion’ created was in 1873 when Eadweard Muybridge, an English photographer used a series of cameras placed along a racetrack to capture the movement of a galloping horse. Muybridge then moved a step closer to the existence of film when he invented The Zoopraxiscope projector - a series of rotating glass disks with images painted on each panel. This set the platform for others to enhance his workings and to eventually create the worlds first motion camera in 1884 and the first roll of film a year later, invented by Americans Thomas Eakins and George Eastman and used by Englishman William Friese-Greene who is known in history as the first creator of film after his short production showing a girl rolling her eyes.

        After moving image was born, inventors and photographers progressed to invent equipment known as The Electro-Tachyscope, The Kinetoscope, The Vitascope and more early forms of the Motion Camera, these adapted until the present day. We have numerous different types of Motion Camera today, each offering a slightly different type of image, depending on what the filmmakers are trying to achieve. As well as just capturing the image, today’s cameras are also able to record sound, add effects and some even offer an editing option within the camera itself! They come in all shapes and sizes and the most recent progression has been video capture through the use of handheld mobile phones!

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        As these camera’s can offer what is considered as ‘advanced’ today, the many film directors now take full advantage and a modern film is often based around its use and level of special effects and stunts. These directors are given the opportunity to take everyday life activities and add to them in the most exciting or surreal ways possible! As viewers, we can relate to these scenes but the additional, experimental effects cause our minds to expand and think into more depth about our daily experiences. This is how film today in the Twentieth Century can be argued to ...

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