Laura Awofisayo (21044229-1)

        Btec ND in business yr 2 gp 3

        Elizabeth and Yaw


This assignment requires me to select a firm and investigate the business and its ethical dimension.

I must also write a report addressing the following tasks:


For this assignment, I have chosen to use a company called ‘British American Tobacco, the reason why I chose this company is because they are familiar to me and I believe that they are involved in the ethical issues within the business and the employees working there as well as the customer.

British American Tobacco has been in business for more than 100 years, trading through the turbulence of wars, revolutions and nationalizations as well as all the controversy surrounding smoking.

The business was formed in 1902, as a joint venture between the UK’s Imperial Tobacco Company and the American Tobacco Company founded by James ‘Buck’ Duke.

Despite its name, derived from the home bases of its two founding companies, British American Tobacco was established to trade outside both the UK and the USA, and grew from its roots in dozens of countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and continental Europe.

They were ‘born international’, and have developed over a century’s expertise in operating locally in diverse cultures around the world.

Mission statements:

‘Ours is the world’s most international tobacco group, with quality brands sold in more than 180 markets and a responsible approach to doing business from crop to consumer’. That means their company is he world’s ,most international tobacco, with high quality brands which is being sold in more tan 180 markets around the world and they are a responsible approach to doing business from collect crop then direct to the consumer.

Their aims are to:

To make profit: This is the company’s number one aim, this company try as they can to make as much profit as possible, whereby profit is an reward to the owner for running their business successfully. This aim can be achieved depend the way the company promote its products or services.

To survive: this is the company’s another main aim which its to survive, many businesses including  British American tobacco aims to grow by expanding their sales or profit as quickly as possible. For the business to survive the business will need to catch the attention of customer as they always do and this will eventually help the company to gain more capital to survive this business.

To provide a competitive service: this is the company third aims, as they try their best to offer a better service to their customer more than their competitor; this is when the business is seen as competitive market. They try to offer a wider variety of products or make it very easier for their customers to buy them.

To maximising sales or quality: this is the company’s other aim, this can actually put the business in a strong position in its market. They try to maximise the quality of their products and how are they made. This should then lead to particular products; if their customers are satisfied with the product then this should improve the reputation of the company.

To increase their market share: many business aims to increase its market share, because they are the total market sales that are made by the company. Market share is being calculated by a figure which is the total value of all the sales made by all firms in the market during one year.

 Their objective is ‘to grow their brands and the value of the business, to improve productivity and to embed the principles of corporate the responsibility around the groups’ This means that they want to grow more on their brands and the value of their business, to improve their product and to allow the principles of corporate the responsibility around the groups.

Task 1 a

Identify and describe possible ethical dilemmas resulting from the pursuit of business aims by your selected organisation

What are Ethics?

Ethics are the moral principles that should underpin decision-making. A decision made on ethics might reject the most profitable solution in favour of one of greater benefit to society as well as the firm. Ethics is also a code of behaviour people believe to be morally correct.  

What is an ethical dilemma?

An ethical dilemma is a situation that will often involve an apparent conflict between , in which to obey one would result in transgressing another.

Ethical issues at British American Tobacco plc

The main aim of business is to make profit but to make profit companies should not cause harm or be the reason of causing harm due to their activities. If these kind of activities takes place for the focusing on individual pursuit of profit, human’s social needs to become ignored and this is not ethical. For example, British American Tobacco needs to make profit, but it is the way that profit is made which is under fire. The ethical issue that the company must face is to continue making money while aligning its values more closely with those of the society where it operates.

The main ethical issues the British American Tobacco is involved with people smoking, thinking that it’s helping them. The ethical issues that BAT needs to consider are as following:

  • Passive smoking
  • Asthma
  • Smoking mother
  • Children
  • Smoking at work
  • Public places
  • The Government
  • Addiction of human being

Passive smoking

Passive Smoking is one of the ethical issue that BAT must consider for example because this also effect non smoker as they complain of eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea and aggravated asthma which is causing by the people who smoke and passive smoking to the non smoker.


Asthma is another ethical issue that BAT must consider, for example because they are exposed to high level of smoking, which showed no reactions. for example if a patient is working in the smoking area, she will become tight with wheezing and asthma that she could not get her breath for which there is no medical evidence linked to 34million cases.

Smoking mother

This is another ethical issue the BAT must consider, in order for them to achieve its aim and objectives, for e.g. pregnant women who smoke increase their risk of miscarriage and 3,800 low birth weight babies are born each year, due to smoking mothers. There is a 50% increased chance of a baby developing respiratory disease, reduced lung function and chest infections in later life, due to nicotine passing through the umbilical chord.


This is another ethical issue that BAT must consider, in order for them to achieved its aims and objectives. For e.g. “One third of children who try smoking in primary school start smoking” and “one in five schoolchildren under 16 is a smoker”. The earlier the starting age of smoking, the more damages they do in their health later in life.  It is illegal to buy cigarettes under the age of 16, when children should make their own decisions. “Smoking is a social prop for children who are insecure”. Children idolise celebrities many of them publicly contributing to adolescent smoke on screen. Children who start smoking don’t think they’ll be smoking for life

Smoking at work

This is another ethical issue that the business must consider for example one employer made smokers work extra hours to make up for the breaks compared to non-smokers. Smokers take paid leave for smoke related illnesses, amounting to £6 billion. 

Companies have introduced smoke free areas for a safe, healthy working environment, as the harmful effects from smoking are widely recognised and employers are liable for damaged health caused to non-smokers by smoke

Public places

This is another ethical issue that the company must consider in order for them to achieved its aims for example, Smoking is banned from many public places including public transport, hotels and bars “leaving only the home where someone else is at risk” 80% of Europeans voted for protection from smoking in restaurants, but if banned “£346 million could be lost in income as well as 45,000 jobs.” Restaurants should have the right to decide the policies they want in order for them to help reducing smoking.’

The Government

This is another ethical issue that the company must consider in order to achieve their aims for example, the Government taxes cigarettes amounting to 79% of the total cost in the UK. Out of every 100 cigarettes sold world wide, the Governments sell 55, and tax half of the remaining 45 cigarettes. Governments, “never encourage the complete ban of cigarette consumption due to the profit they make”.

Besides avoiding harming or giving harm, companies have to be trustworthy and stand behind their promises. Turning back to tobacco companies, the products they produce are also harmful and it is one of the key reasons of causing deaths. However I have research that smokers themselves are either mostly or completely to blame for the health problems faced by smokers in the UK. Only 25 percent said that the tobacco industry was either completely or mostly to blame.

Most of the company say that smokers are to blame for their own problems, with just 26 percent saying that the tobacco companies are mostly or completely to blame. Fourteen percent said both are to blame equally. In my another research, I have found out that similar industry are not generally blame for causing death, they thought that the only people who are to be blame are the ones who buy them and they are also responsible for this kind of activities and deaths

Ethical dilemmas of British American Tobacco plc

One of the business’s objectives is ‘TO PROMOTE AND IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY’.

There are ethical dilemmas that the business will go through when trying to achieve these objectives. These are:

  • Should Tobacco companies put their cigarette logos on t-shirts, hats, backpacks and other consumer items popular with children and among adults?

I believe that this kind of activity is legal to young people, but it is profitable to the company. However its cost the industry little but it enables them to make new customers addictives to their products.  

  • Should Tobacco gives free samples especially in the places for the young people like shopping malls, rock concerts and discos?

I believe that this kind of activity is not fair to the young adults but its can be profitable because disco, rock concerts and other events are popular to young adults so what the industry is trying to say is that the industry is always with the young adults, in all conditions to make customers to remember them and keep them in their mind.

  • Should Tobacco industry link their products to the customer’s health?

I believe that this kind of activity is not right and not fair to the customer but it’s profitable to the business because many people smoke for different reasons, and one of them is to keep them slim whereby it’s damaged their health. The company should be aware of what they are actually doing and should do everything they can to stop people smoking because it is not ethical for this company to sell tobacco just like that, but meanwhile the company is making more profit to damaged people’s health and I still believe that it is not fair.

Smoking is one of the key problems for all the inhabitants around the world. Tobacco producers are generally very big companies and they have huge effect on countries economies and also in media. As most of the other companies do, they are making profit and trying to fulfill the demands of their customers.

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However, their products are directly the main reason of many deaths. The actions they made, the words they said, are not fitting what they have to do. None of them can be explain in terms ethical. But the thing is, really are they responsible from these consequences or their customers. It is human’s responsibility take care of their life and health. These companies are not pointing gun to their heads to start smoking. Mostly customers are choosing this way but it is definite that tobacco companies are indirectly pushing them for smoking.


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