Both the leaflets have used images because of the form of the advert because it is a leaflet and the minimum to do on a leaflet would be to have at least images if nothing else to make it aesthetically appearing which a major aim when making promotional material.
The overall appearance of the leaflets is generally the same and in some aspects the Tesco leaflet is a little bit better.
Mission statements – The mission statement for a company is a short summary on what the company is about and what the values of the company are about. The mission statement demonstrates in a few lines what the aim of the company is and they what the person reading the statement want to go receive the service that they provide from them rather than a competitor. The mission statement is primarily for the customers but can be for any stakeholder depending on what type of business it is. The purpose of a mission statement is fir businesses to demonstrate their values in a small paragraph. The audience of mission statement are the mostly the employees so they can act up on this and customers so they can see what their aims and objectives
The mission statement for Asda is:
“At Salisbury’s we will deliver an ever improving quality shopping experience for our customers with great products at fair prices. We will exceed customer’s expectation for healthy safe fresh and tasty food making their lives easier every day.”
The mission statement for Tesco is:
"Create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty".
On the Tesco website they say that they don’t have “mission statements, values and promises that are written somewhere and left to gather dust, we live and breathe them.” Instead of having a long mission statement Tesco has a small value that they go by and they are saying that their competitors such as Asda just have them written they don’t act up on them unlike themselves. This makes the person reading think and persuade them to believe that this is correct.
Tesco’s version of a Mission Statement is better than the standard way of doing it because it is concise and straight to the point. Asda mission statement is not as good because it is long and has too much in it therefore people reading will not bother to read all of so it is not as effective as Tesco’s.
Packaging – This for a company needs to be effective so that it stands out form the rest of the products so that their own brand products sell more than the completion.
The format of the packaging makes the customer want to buy the products, the one that is more effective is the Asda one because it is much simpler and effective and has a relevant animation unlike the Tesco one which has smaller writing which may be harder for some people to see the Asda is clearer. The style of the Asda is simple whereas the Tesco one looks completed by having irrelevant images and not picture/animation of actual salt. The layout is better on the Asda one because it is less clustered unlike the Tesco one.
- Livery on vehicles – The liver on a vehicle of company represents the whole company and if that person has not seen the company their first impression will be on the livery alone so it needs to be effective.
It is clear to see who the vans belong due to both of them using their corporate colours and both are very bright and the structure of both of them is organised and neither are clustered and completely un-readable. The purpose and the audience of this is really anybody standing around they instantly know who the vans belong to and which company they are for. The designs meet the purpose which to allow people to know that they deliver to your home and that is what it says on the van.
The format on the Tesco one is better because if the van is moving people are still able to read that and the Asda one people cannot that easily read it. The use of images is better on the Asda but the disadvantage to this is that it makes the message not easy to read. The Tesco livery is clear and it still does have an image of there so therefore it may be considered to be better.
The overall impact of the two does meet its purpose because they meet the requirement of a good livery and they get the message across.
- Logos – This is probably the first thing that a potential customer will see of a company so this needs to make a good first impression on a person and it is a must that it is clear, good use of colour, and clear. It must be instantly recognisable so it cannot be similar to any other company and it must use the corporate colours the company.
Both the logos are similar and meet all the basic principles of a good logo like: both are clear and instantly recognisable however the Asda logo does not make use of a good range of colours whereas the Tesco logo does so therefore it looks more aesthetically appealing; it has blue and red in it and the Asda logo just had orange in it.
The Tesco logo is bolder than the Asda logo and makes more of a statement than the Asda logo due to the formatting: it is bold, and the colour is a little brighter. The Asda logo comparison is about the same but only has one colour which in some ways looks simpler. He formatting for the logo is almost identical except for the colour the font is almost identical, the position is the same, and they are both 3-4 words long.
- Slogan – A slogan is usually a couple of words that dominates what the company is about and what the business wants to do. An effective slogan can make people want to go to the business. A slogan for a business is just as important as there company name because in a way it gives that individuality factor to a business and makes them stand out – just like there company logo.
Some companies tend to have more than one slogan and Asda being one of them they have two. The shorter the slogan the better it is because it supposed to be quick and quickly gets the message across.
The Asda slogans are better than the Tesco slogan because the “Try Something New Today” is a suggestion rather than statement and it make the person reading thinks about it and the second one is juxtaposed by the “Live Well” and then it says “For Less” which does not tend to go together.
Asda keeps is corporate colours and Tesco does not therefore the Asda slogan looks better and if it was alone it would be more recognisable.
- Celebrity endorsement/ Sponsorship – The celebrity endorsement is a good way to promote a business and advertise the business and to promote products, this is a way for businesses to reach out to the fans of the celebrity because if they see the celebrity in the business they are more likely to shop and give business to them.
The purpose is to appeal to an audience of the celebrity so that if they appeal to them they are able to sell to them because if the celebrity recommends something that is when they want that particular thing. The audience of the celebrity endorsement would be the fans of that celebrity; this is a very effective way appealing to a particular audience of a fan and it is very efficient because depending on which celebrity they decide to use
Tesco has not done anything significant in any celebrity involved in their advertising.
Asda have a wide range of celebrity endorsement from Jamie Oliver to David Becham. The partnership with Jamie Oliver lasted 11 years and in that time he did over 100 adverts for them and released merchandise such as ingredients. This endorsement generated a lot of business for Asda and made significant sales for them over the 11 years they were together.
Tesco is not as strong in the celebrity endorsement department due to the fact that they have any well-known recognisable celebrity endorsement because Tesco don’t have face unlike Asda they had Jamie Oliver. The celebrity endorsement that they had was David Teneant who is not in the food industry therefore is not as effective as Asda.
Sponsorship – Sponsorship is a good way of businesses to get their brand well known to people who may be will be seeing this and might be potential customers. People know that business is sponsoring an event due to the logo being there on for example clothing.
Asda sponsored the Paralympics which is a worldwide event however they are a national business however this generated a lot business for Asda due to the fact that they are sponsoring an even of its nature. This meant on promotional material for the Paralympics Asda logo would appear and millions of viewers would see it.
Tesco did not due such a big event so their sponsorship would not have been as effective Asda because the event they sponsored was a nation even called Race For Life which still is a good way to promote their business, but is not as effective the Asda sponsorship.
In conclusion in some aspects Tesco is better but in others Asda is better. Asda Celebrity endorsement/marketing department is better due to the fact that they have had more recognisable celebrities and their Digital/TV advertisements are more effective, their packaging was more effective and there sponsorship would have been more effective. They need to improve on these categories so their corporate communication is as effective as it can be. Tesco is better in the mission statement due to the fact that it is more concise therefore it is more effective and efficient, their logo is better due to being in block letter and the livery on their vehicle was better because it was much simpler.