Kashif Quraishy 12P2

Research Methods

Primary Research Methods:

Primary research is used when existing secondary sources of information have been tapped. To obtain additional market knowledge, organisations make fresh enquiries through forms of field research that yield primary data. This enables organisations to make direct contact with potential or actual customers.

Surveys can be based on questionnaires that are conducted as part of an interview, through a discussion group, by post or telephone. This can be time consuming and expensive so only samples of customers who have been very carefully selected are included in the survey.

The reliability of data depends on the size of the sample group-is it big enough to draw valid conclusions from which the wider population is accountable for. To ensure that a sample survey is representative, researchers try to get a sample of all relevant characteristics. However these results are not always accurate as people unintentionally distort their answers in response to feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable about releasing certain information.

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This research method is perfect for obtaining lists of the population  (names and addresses) from sources such as trade and telephone directories, the electoral register, memberships lists of professionals and subscription lists.

This type of sample research involves random selection, where surveys can be carried out/categorised in terms of regions or location. This can take up a lot of time and effort upon gathering relevant information.

The quota system is a very popular method of consumer research because it can be clearly defined. Small sized sample groups can be cost-effective and provide an indication to customer reactions and preferences before ...

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