Society Will Not Benefit From Autonomous Vehicles. Discuss.

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Almost every major car manufacturer has mentioned the potential benefits of autonomous vehicles. They often talk about design, on-board technology, safety, and fuel efficiency, but too little focus is given to the effects on sectors including energy, the environment, and human rights. Hello, I am …………….and welcome to the Future is Now Conference. I believe society will not benefit from autonomous vehicles. Picture a world where self-driving cars-or autonomous  vehicles- are the new normal. The car, nor its human occupant, is in full control. Using its various sensors, radars, cameras, and GPS devices, it seamlessly navigates from Point A to point B, communicating with other vehicles and a high-tech roadway infrastructure to get you to your destination safely. This autonomous-only future on the roads would maintain an optimal traffic flow and get you and your fellow riders there as efficiently as possible. This world may come sooner than you think as many major auto industry manufacturers, along with  a handful of other technology companies, have self-driving cars that are very far along in development. Some, in fact, have already been operating pilot versions on the streets around you. Of course, we likely are still decades away from fully automated vehicles dominating the roads, but as vehicles progress from fully driver- controlled to primarily computer-assisted to completely driverless, society as we know it is in for some changes.

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Autonomous vehicles place the decision of the car in the hands of a computer. There are times when split-second decisions are necessary because of rapidly changing circumstances. What would a driverless car decide to do if it encountered an individual crossing the street? Would, it run into that person or decide to take the vehicle  off-road, Placing the occupants at a higher risk for harm? There are times in our society where we are more comfortable with a human behind the wheel because we have an instinct to find a third alternative that artificial intelligence does not necessary use. ...

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