Agamemnon's character and achievements

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Agamemnon was extremely proud of his achievements as a whole. He had no mercy for the Trojans and all of the lost lives, giving us an impression he was quite a heartless man, “Annihilation for the city.’ He had hardly any respect for Troy and did not feel guilty when sacking it so brutally. He described his victory as them ‘raping the city,’ further emphasising his disrespectful character. He then talked about the Greeks “gorging on the blood of Kings.” This metaphorical, vivid description showed his cruelty and the great joy he received when killing the royalty of his opponents. To him it was almost as pleasant as having a feast, which he could not get enough of.

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At one point, he demonstrated his respect for Odysseus which is one of the only people throughout the play so far whom he’d shown true appreciation towards, that isn’t a god. Agamemnon’s comrades were useless to him and did not do as they were told, they were ‘ghosts of men’ and not there for him. However the only person to stand by him was Odysseus, for which Agamemnon was truly thankful for. Despite this, he did not show indifference to him on a human level. He said “Dead or alive I praise him.” Agamemnon did honour Odysseus but with coldness, ...

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