'Jaws' - film review

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        In 1975, Stephen Spielberg directed one of the highest grossing films of all time. In the small village of Amity; a great white shark, a man eater is targeting residents and visitors. As the 4th of July celebrations are approaching, a cover up is provided. The attacks were disguised as a boating accident. Now, the people are allowed into the dangerous water which contains this shark.

        Directors such as Stephen Spielberg often use music to create fear, tension and suspense. In ‘Jaws’, he uses the famous; repetitive music which changes speed and pitch when the shark is present. During the actual shark attacks, there is often a long pause of complete silence, followed by a huge noise such as a scream, or again the repetitive music is introduced. This creates suspension and apprehensiveness, the large noise such as a scream is used to make the audience jump. With the repetitiveness of the music, and the amount of times it is used, the audience associate this with the shark, and know that something is about to happen.

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        The second attack happened in the middle of the day; Spielberg makes the audience use their imagination at first; the attack had to happen because of the music, but the camera flicked between situations. The situations were all of the children running into the water, and the dog ‘Pipit’ with his owner. The colour yellow is used to link the potential shark attack victims together. The child in the water was using a yellow lilo, and his mother was wearing a yellow sun hat and the dog owner had a yellow tee-shirt on. The dog owner throws a ...

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