"Tariffs restrict trade" Discuss.

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“Tariffs restrict trade” Discuss

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They are most often used in a deliberate attempt to restrict import. A tariff is likely to raise its final price to the consumer, this will lead to a fall in demand and the volume of imports will fall. Tariffs also help domestic producers. Some consumers will switch consumption from imported goods to domestically produced substitutes.

Freeing up trade has led to the world becoming a richer place. This is because everyone gains, in the long run, from the opportunity to sell their products in a freer market. Trade between countries is mutually beneficial if relative costs of production differ. The gains from trade are often most significant in product areas where economies of scale are sizeable and transport costs are relatively low.

The challenge of competition creates a more competitive economy; therefore freer trade keep businesses on their toes. It also leads to companies identifying that it is best to produce in a particular country and concentrate on that field of output.

Specialisation enables total world production to be very much higher than if there were no international trade. However not everyone benefits from free trade.

Arguments used to justify tariffs:

The infant industry argument – Industries just starting up may face much higher costs than foreign competitors. There may be large economies of scale in the industry. A new low volume producer will find it impossible to compete on price against an established foreign high volume producer. Once sufficiently large, tariff barriers can be removed and the industry exposed to the full heat of foreign competition.

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Cheaper labour – Countries which have plentiful sources of cheap labour are often accused of ‘unfair competition’. High labour cost countries find it difficult if not impossible to compete against products from these countries.

Job protection – Protectionism can create or at least preserve jobs.

Arguments used against tariffs:

The infant industry argument – Infant industries in general have not grown successfully behind trade barriers. Industries protected by trade barriers lack the competitive pressure to become efficient.

Cheaper labour – There are two major problems with this policy. Firstly, although the policy may benefit manufacturers and their workers, consumers are ...

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