Whatever economic system a country adopts, there is always a role for the government due to market failures. Can governments correct market failures? Illustrate your answers with example.

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PA302        (1)                                                         CHAN Sau-fung (S05012153)

Whatever economic system a country adopts, there is always a role for the government due to market failures.  Can governments correct market failures? Illustrate your answers with example.

Part One

                        Adam Smith who proclaimed the principle of the “invisible hand” that holds every individual is led, as if by an invisible hand, to achieve selfishly the best good for all.  Smith saw harmony between private interest and public interest.  In his view, any government interference with free competition is almost certain to be injurious in the economic world.  He recognized that the virtues of the market mechanism are fully realized only when the checks and balances of perfect competition are present.  Under the perfect competition and with no market failures, markets will squeeze as many useful goods and services out of the available resources as is possible.  However, in reality, markets may fail to function well under numerous reasons.  According to Wolf1, there are two kinds of failures which are i) insufficient allocation of resources in terms of the quality of products and prices and ii) inequitable distribution of income or wealth.   To be more specific, it includes the following: the inability to provide public goods, negative externalities, imperfect information and increasing returns to scale and monopoly.

Public Goods

                        “A public good is a commodity or service whose benefits are not depleted by an additional user, and for which it is generally difficult or impossible to exclude people from its benefits, even if they are unwilling to pay for them.  In contrast, a private good is characterized by both excludability and depletability” 2.  Some examples of public goods are provision of national defense, the building of highway network or the support of basic science.  Adequate private production of these public goods will not occur as the benefits are so widely dispersed across the population that no single firm or consumer has an economic incentive to provide them.  Since private provision of public goods is insufficient, government must step in to provide public goods.

PA302        (1)                                                         CHAN Sau-fung (S05012153)


                        This is another type of inefficiency arises when there are spillovers or externalities.  These effects occur when firms or people impose costs or benefits on others outside the marketplace.  The phenomenon of externalities is universal.  Since our society has become more densely populated and as the volume of production of energy and other material increases, negative spillover effects will be generated.  This is where governments come in.  Government regulations are designed to control externalities like air and water pollution, hazardous wastes, unsafe drugs and etc.

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Imperfect Information

                        It is idealist to assume that producers/sellers and consumers/buyers to have all information before they make their decisions.  In reality, producers, providers or sellers have more information about their products than their customers.  The decision behavior of customers, to a certain extent, is relying on the information they obtain from their friends or mass media.  An optimal decision can never be made as it is impossible for the consumers to obtain adequate or perfect information.  In this connection, governments in developed countries have to step in to enact legislation to protect consumers.  

Increasing Returns ...

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