A streetcar named Desire

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A Streetcar Named Desire

How does Tennessee Williams use the dramatic device of conflict in “A Streetcar Named Desire?”  Write about the different types of conflict in the play.


In this assignment, I am going to write about conflict and how it is represented in the stage production ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ in addition to describing how it is used as a dramatic device, by Tennessee Williams. The play is revolved around a feeble yet elegant woman named Blanche Dubois. Blanche, a schoolteacher from Laurel, Mississippi, arrives at the New Orleans apartment of her sister, Stella Kowalski. Despite the fact that Blanche seems to have fallen out of close contact with Stella, she intends to stay at her apartment for an unspecified period of time. Blanche informs Stella that she ‘lost’ Belle Reve, their ancestral home, following the death of all their remaining relatives. She also notifies her on the fact that she has been given a leave of absence from her teaching position, due to her ‘bad nerves’.

The area Stella and her husband, Stanley, live in is a relatively poor, deprived one, and it becomes no surprise when we discover Stanley is determined to rid of it and instead fulfil the American dream. So when he receives the news that Blanche ‘lost’ Belle Reve he obviously becomes furious, as it may have been one of the only opportunities he gets to leave the appalling life he has and thus the tension between the characters commence. The story of lies, betrayal and deceiving begins to unravel from there and countless amounts of conflicts occur throughout the whole play.

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How conflict affects the play

‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ has a variety of conflicts with a number of characters. However the two characters, that certainly have issues with one another are: Stanley and Blanche. Only moments into the play and the audience can already sense the apprehension between these two characters. The reason being Stanley despises Blanche, purely because she has ruined a great chance for him to move on to bigger and bolder things, other then being an auto-parts salesman. This is when he begins to have his suspicions and starts to investigate Blanches’ past and use ...

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