However, when Cleopatra commits suicide, she takes on the stoic outlook. I feel this is shown when she declares, “Let’s do’t after the high roman fashion, and make death proud to take us.” I feel this quotation shows her genuine love for Antony, this being the reason she wants to die in “Roman fashion….” However it was Roman custom to die by falling upon their sword, in the form that Antony died. Although Cleopatra wished to die in “Roman fashion,” she didn’t die this way, she committed suicide by being bitten by asps, therefore did not die in stoic fashion, and she died in an honourable way, avoiding disgrace by taking her own life.
Another contrast between the two cultures is the way power is portrayed. Rome is influenced by men while Egypt is controlled by women. I feel Shakespeare presents how men are capable of controlling a powerful and authoritative city such as Rome, while women are only capable of controlling a frivolous and care-free country. This also shows how men are more willing to fight for what they want, while women will only fight if necessary. This is shown when Antony leaves to fight Caesar. Cleopatra only chose to fight as she saw it necessary.
In my opinion, I can see Egypt’s lascivious attitudes in one of the opening scenes. The atmosphere is relaxed and casual. The scene is in Egypt and opens with Cleopatra, Charmian, Alexas and Cleopatra’s servants indulging in frivolous activities, such as having their fortunes read by a Soothsayer, whilst indulging in food and drink, another of the typical luxuries Egypt has to offer, “Bring the banquet quickly; wine enough for Cleopatra’s health to drink. From this quotation I notice the relaxed tone that is shown through the use of tranquil language, such as frivolous and joyous conversations not orders or commands, and the long sentences create an image of a relaxed, happy and carefree atmosphere. Banquets are a regular occasion in Egypt; it is a part of everyday life, and not only done to celebrate a special occasion.
In the next scene the audience are taken to Rome. The pace quickens and the sentences get shorter. The characters become more serious and they use more authoritative words, words that relate to power and command like “our great competitor.” “Kingdom...” and “rebel to judgement.” This shows a clear comparison to Egypt as the words and format is different in comparison to the earlier scenes in Egypt. In Egypt the language is calm and tranquil and the sentences are longer to emphasise this,” I take no pleasure in ought an eunuch has.” This quotation shows the light heartedness of the epicurean speech, as Cleopatra is mocking her eunuch and laughing and joking with her servants. However the language is not always like this. In later scenes we see a more aggressive side to Cleopatra.
In this scene Caesar and Lepidus are talking to one another about Antony’s actions in Egypt. As Rome a city whose structure is duty, a city based on authority, they frown seriously on someone as powerful as Antony neglecting his duties. Lepidus and Caesar feel betrayed as they feel Antony is disgracing their values.
From this conversation I started to notice the conflict between Rome and Egypt, although this conflict seems to be one sided because Shakespeare doesn’t seem to show that Egypt has any abhorrence towards Rome. However, Shakespeare shows that Rome and Egypt have conflicting views, “Antony, leave thy lascivious wassails,” showing how Caesar views Egypt as being quite feeble and less important than Rome.
Like Rome and Egypt, Antony and Cleopatra are presented in contrasting ways. Antony and Cleopatra are entwined in each others lives throughout the duration of the play, until their deaths at the end, but their different lifestyles, stoic and epicurean, resulted in jealousy.
In the first scene Cleopatra is jealous of Antony’s wife Fulvia and she mocks and taunts Antony “if the scare-bearded Caesar have not sent his powerful mandate to you.” “Do this or this…” Cleopatra uses blunt and direct language, and speaks in this way to taunt and ridicule Antony. Cleopatra frequently uses this style of direct speech when she is mocking others and when giving her opinion. She is also frank when interacting with others in her court as a part of everyday life. For example when Cleopatra has banter with her servant about his sexual impotence, “Thou eunuch Mardian!” although she jokes with him she still has respect for them and they still have respect for her. “By your most gracious pardon, I sing but after you.” I feel that this shows how Charmian has genuine respect for Cleopatra, and truly wishes to please her.
Egypt comes across as being inviting and friendly, and welcoming and warm. The only time we have seen this not being in action is when Cleopatra is faced with a Roman messenger, and then she becomes very unwelcoming and rude. “Speak…” Another aspect that adds to the positive atmosphere is how Cleopatra jokes with servants. “I take no pleasure in ought an eunuch has.” “Tis well for thee that, being unseminared.” The servants in Egypt are allowed liberties, as they are involved with the regular banquets and Cleopatra respects them. The language used between Cleopatra and the servants and vice versa would not be used in the Roman community, especially when the Romans speak to the servants.
Roman servants are used to perform duties, to be loyal and subservient to leaders. Rome is shown as having strict rules and regulations which must be followed. The Romans have no respect whatsoever for their servants and at a banquet the Romans had a great feast and they gave the servants the waste food. “And they have earned the waste.” This shows Caesar’s pure disrespect for the servants. Another quotation that shows the Romans disrespect is when Antony says to a servant “you are a soldier only.” I feel this quotation shows that Antony does not consider the servants as anything except labourers.
Rome is strict on other virtues such as power, ambition, reputation, honour, integrity and above all loyalty which is highly valued. This is clearly shown when Caesar is questioning Antony’s loyalty and recalling how Antony was prior to Cleopatra. “And all this it wounds thine honour that I speak it now…was bourne so like a soldier that thy cheek…” I feel Shakespeare uses these images to create an idea of Antony’s great soldiership.
In Egypt money and time are the objects that are to be spent and enjoyed. As Egypt is so carefree and tranquil, people can start to see why Antony is attracted to Cleopatra, and then to Egypt.
Shakespeare uses different images to highlight the diverse characteristics of Rome and Egypt. These images are often shown through the actions of Antony and Cleopatra throughout the play.
In Act 2 Scene 2 Enonbarbus describes Cleopatra as a “dish” and throughout the play Cleopatra is compared to foods, as she is viewed as being food fit “for the Gods.” Another comparison to food is when Enobarbus says, “and for his ordinary pays his heart… for what his eyes ate only.” This shows how beautiful Cleopatra and how he can see what Antony sees in Cleopatra. He continues to compliment her by saying “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale…her infinite variety.” This shows admiration and emphasises how Cleopatra does not seem to age. Food imagery is continually repeated by Enonbarbus when referring to Cleopatra. This type of language is unusual in Rome as the language is quite dreamy and frivolous, like the kind of language that is used in Egypt, therefore contradicting Rome’s stoic language.
Through the descriptions of Cleopatra, I feel that Shakespeare is trying give the reader a representation of Egypt, by giving complementary and admiring views of its queen. Cleopatra is in my opinion, a symbol for everything Egypt stands for. Egypt is presented as being calm, stress free and relaxed; however it is extremely volatile and has “endless attraction” just like its queen Cleopatra.
The opening of the scenes throughout the play show a contrast in the way Shakespeare illustrates Rome and Egypt. The contrast is more apparent in the shorter scenes.
In the scenes set in Rome, Shakespeare uses language to portray a sense of urgency and speed. The lines are shorter and this allows the dialogue to be spoken at a quicker pace.
“Trouble yourselves no further. Pray you hasten…Your generals after.” The speech is combined of short sentences and words containing three syllables or less. The sentences spoken within Rome are generally orders, commands or dictating important and specific information.
In Act Two Scene Five, there is a dramatic change of atmosphere. The scene is set in Egypt, and Shakespeare uses language to portray a sense of melodramatic depression, love and a contrasting atmosphere to the one used in Rome. “Give me some music; music, moody food…of us that trade in love.” The sentences are longer, which emphasises Cleopatra’s melodramatic behaviour. Food and music also symbolise Egypt’s relaxed attitudes. Using food and music within the quotation, shows what Cleopatra needs to become happy. The sentences spoken within Egypt are usually related to food, drink or music and usually have some correlation to Cleopatra’s volatile emotions.
Although Rome and Egypt have some similarities they are portrayed as being two contrasting areas. Rome is portrayed as being stoic and creates the image of brutality, order, power and authority, while Egypt, on the other hand, is shown as being epicurean and creates the image of volatility, love, emotion and melodrama. The areas are portrayed as being so different because of the different types of leadership. As Egypt is powered by a woman, Egyptian culture is based on happiness and emotion. In comparison Rome is powered by three men and the Roman culture is based on power and authority. However the contrasting cultures, of Rome and Egypt, are what brought Antony and Cleopatra together, and kept them together until death.