Definition of Honesty

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 Personal Definition of Honesty

        What’s the definition of honesty? The one in Webster’s Dictionary says that it is:  

“The quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness; truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness; freedom from deceit or fraud” (“Honesty”). However, each person may define honesty differently. Everybody has his/hers own definition that varies upon his/her beliefs. Some think of it as a main rule of their life, but still tell a little white lie once in a while. Others can not even identify themselves with honesty. The truth is that being honest is extremely hard and not lying at all is impossible.

Everybody lies, even politically significant people responsible for the nation’s well being, who are viewed by the society as icons of trust. People lie on a daily basis, in fact sometimes not realizing that they do it so often; it is second nature. Some of the lies may be innocent. For instance, some may lie not to hurt somebody’s feelings. A lack of honesty would not be such a big problem, though, if that were the point where it ends.

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        Some people consider that telling a little white lie doesn’t hurt anything, but still get annoyed and irritated when somebody lies to them. If they expect others to be honest with them why can’t they pay back in the same way? Usually humans lie for personal gain and self-interest. For instance, some may lie because they are ashamed of the things they have done and do not want or are afraid to face the consequences. A good example here is Bill Clinton, who in 2004 lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky to both the nation and the grand jury. ...

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