Hannah Mumma
English 113
Devil in Disguise
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates is a story about a young fifteen year old girl named Connie who knows she is very pretty. She often will check her reflection in mirrors and check other people’s faces to see what they thought of hers. She has a rocky relationship with her critical mother; she has the nonattendant father, and the plain sister. Connie’s parents seem to have no idea where she really goes at night, or who she spends her time with. Therefore, when Connie really needs her mother to pay attention and help her, she is not there. The symbols of Arnold Friend, his disguise, and the music that runs through the story contribute to an overall feeling of devilishness, trickery, and unease.
Arnold Friend could be seen as the devil incarnate. His nose is "long and hawklike" (514) and he has a "slippery smile" (515). His "greasy" boots don't fit him right, "as if his feet don't go all the way down" (518). This could mean that he has hooves like Satan. When he draws 'his sign' – the letter X – in the air, it "stays there, almost still visible," (515) as if he has magical powers and burnt it into the air. Arnold’s name can easily be changed into “An Old Fiend” which is another name for the devil, or could be seen as A. Friend, which is inviting to Connie because it makes him seem like a friend. Arnold knows about Connie's family, where they are at that moment, and what radio station she is listening to as if he can see all. Arnold also promises not to enter Connie's house unless she picks up the phone. "The Devil won't come into your home until you invite him in."