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Justin Mather

Mr. Mackechnie

English 11 Honors 4B

07 May 2006


        The eccentric, obsessed, sex driven story of Alexander Portnoy in Philip Roth’s novel, Portnoy’s Complaint tells the story of a teenager going through his adolescent years with sexual urges to deal with in life. Alexander is a Jewish boy with a huge nose to match his huge ego, in love with sex. Published first in 1969 Philip Roth has Portnoy grow up in a strict household with expectations to be proper and well behaved yet he has to find ways around his parents to satisfy his sexual tensions. He loves being kinky in the bedroom even though he feels guilty doing it and he relates his problems through flashbacks, and anecdotes to his life seeking help for his problem. Philip Roth, through out the novel of Portnoy’s Complaint, showed flaws of teenagers with sexual obsessions, harsh language to get points across, and concentration on Jewish-American experiences in life after the war in society.

          From beginning to the end of the novel, Philip Roth expressed issues of teen’s sexual drives in adolescence and the flaws they had in those years. The second chapter of the novel was titled “Whacking Off,” which gave me a nasty feeling in my stomach of what I was about to indulge into. As I go on reading Roth describes the desperate urge the main character Alex Portnoy has to masturbate due to hormones flowing and puberty starting in life. He had the feeling of testosterone rising and wanted to relieve the feeling. He had to hide from his religious family to go take care of his business and always had to make a new story for why he had to use the bathroom. This time it was diarrhea:

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Jumping up from the dinner table, I tragically clutch my belly--diarrhea! I

cry, I have been stricken with diarrhea!-and once behind the locked bathroom door, slip over my head a pair of underpants that I have stolen from my sister's dresser and carry rolled in a handkerchief in my pocket. So galvanic is the effect of cotton panties against my mouth-so galvanic is the word "panties"-that the trajectory of my ejaculation reaches startling new heights: leaving my joint like a rocket it makes right for the light bulb overhead, where to my wonderment and horror, it hits and hangs. Wildly ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

The writer clearly engages with novel and has worked through three main points in essay logically. Evidence of wider reading shown by inclusion of critical voices. Quotes are overly long and at times are not analysed deeply enough. There is some poor sentences construction, indicating a lack of careful proofreading. 3 Stars