Robert Jordan and The Wheel of Time.

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Masters        1

Lisa Masters

Dr. Elizabeth Gwynne

English 102

19 July 2004

Robert Jordan and The Wheel of Time

        Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" represents a very thoroughly planned world

with a history, a set of physical and magickal laws and a wide variety of cultures and

peoples. The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and

what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

With these words millions of readers have entered a world strikingly real, rich in detail

and complexity; the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. A world of kings,

queens and Aes Sedai: women who can tap the True Source and wield the One Power,

which turns the Wheel and drives the universe; a world where the war between Light and

Shadow is fought every day.

        At the moment of Creation, the Creator bound the Dark One away from the world

of humankind, but more than three thousand years ago, Aes Sedai, then both men and

women, unknowingly bored into that prison outside of time. The Dark One was able to

touch the world only lightly before the hole was soon sealed over. But the Dark One's

taint settled on saidin, the male half of the Power, and every male Aes Sedai went mad.

In the Breaking of The World they destroyed civilization and changed the very face of

the earth, sinking mountains beneath the sea and bringing new seas where land had been.

Now only women bear the title Aes Sedai.

Masters        2

        Commanded by their Amyrlin Seat and divided into seven Ajahs named by color,

they rule the great island city of Tar Valon, where their White Tower stands, and are

bound by the Three Oaths, fixed into their bones with saidar, the female half of the



        The series begins with the book entitled 'The Eye of the World' in this book

Moiraine Sedai and her Warder Lan, travel to Emond's Field in the Two Rivers, where

they encounter three young farmboys by the names of Ran al'Thor, Perrin Aybara and

Mat Cauthon. Moiraine also encounters two of the strongest wilders she has ever known,

Nynaeve al'Meara and Egwene al'Vere. Soon after the group meets, the village is

attacked by Trollocs and Halfmen.

        Upon reading the story, you realize you seem to have been dropped into the

middle of the story halfway through it, which leads you to wondering what exactly

happened and why it is happening. Jordan leaves you wondering throughout the book

exactly where you are. Through herding the group of Rand, Perrin, Mat and Egwene from

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their village, to losing all of them and having to find them in Caemlyn, you finish the

book somewhat muddled, yet looking forward to starting the next in the series.

        Upon leaving Emond's Field they go to Baerlon, where Moiraine introduces them

to Min Farshaw, who has the incanny ability to read a person's aura and tell them what

may happen in their future. Not long after they've left Emond's Field and arrive in

Baerlon, the Wisdom of Emond's Field, Nynaeve al'Meara catches up to them and

demands ...

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