Romeo and Juliet - In this essay I am going to describe how I want characters to dress and act in Act 2 Scene 5, I will also describe the setting e.g. lighting, stage, objects, etc.

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Romeo and Juliet essay

        In this essay I am going to describe how I want characters to dress and act in Act 2 Scene 5, I will also describe the setting e.g. lighting, stage, objects, etc. I will also briefly go over the story up to Act 2 Scene 5 then I will explain how I want Act 2 Scene 5 to be acted out and what I want the actors to wear.  

        The origin of the feud is not made clear but has no relevance to the events in the play Romeo and Juliet are a pair of star crossed lovers, they are victims of circumstances effected by things beyond their control.  Unfortunately the ancient grudge, accidents and misunderstandings lead to their tragedy.

        This play begins with a confrontation between the servants of the two families. Shakespeare introduces love, anger, vulgarity, crudeness and violence all in Act 1. Shakespeare brings in the prince, who represents the role of justice, and in his speech says it is pointless fighting, it is disrupting social life of the city and he threatens death to anyone who fights again.

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        All the characters appear and the scene is set for the two main characters Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Benvolio speaks of sunlight; secrets and silence, these ideas and images accompany Romeo and Juliet in the play, which Shakespeare uses to create a deliberate mood of love around the lovers. “The shady curtains from Aurora’s bed, locks fair daylight out, and makes himself an artificial night”.

        Real love “locks daylight out” represents the eternal darkness of the tomb.  Montague’s speech serves to set their love story against the backdrop of superstition, great legends and irresistible power of fate.  Romeo’s speeches ...

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