Social setting in "Perfume" by Patrick Suskind

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Discuss the degree to which Suskind has offered a strong image of the social setting in the novel Perfume and estimate the importance of a sense of social context for the novel as a whole.

In the novel Perfume Suskind offers the reader a vivid and comprehensive view of 18th century French society during the pre revolutionary period.  While the main focus of the plot involves the development of the protagonist, Grenouille, the characters he encounters enable Suskind to present a satirical view of the Age of Reason by revealing the folly of individuals from different levels of French society. The novel may also be viewed as a fable which foreshadows the coming revolution which will tear apart the social hierarchy.  As well as offering a satirical critique of society, the strong image of social setting lends credibility to the fantastical elements of the novel. This is achieved through a variety of narrative techniques, including vivid imagery.

Suskind employs imagery to highlight the satirical nature of the work. This can be clearly illustrated in the way Suskind sets the scene at the beginning of Perfume:

 “The peasant stank as did the priest, the apprentice as did his master’s wife, the whole of the  aristocracy stank, even the king himself stank, stank like a rank lion and the queen like an old goat” (Suskind p.4)

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The parallel structure juxtaposing “peasant” with “priest”; “apprentice” with “master’s wife” suggests that while the social structure of 18th century France was hierarchical and the fact that everyone stank equally badly was actually a kind of leveler. The reference to the hierarchy leads the reader to consider that this social structure will be torn apart by the French Revolution. While the novel is set some 40 years prior to the revolution, the reader is aware that this society is soon to be subject to a bloody revolution in which the distinctions between the social classes will be shaken to their ...

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