Is it always best to tell the truth?

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Is it always best to tell the truth?

Truth can be simply defined as a fact about something. The fact that Earth revolves around the Sun is a truth. The fact that every man or woman alive or dead has or had come from the womb of a mother is a truth. The fact that your best friend who wants to become a professional footballer is not just good enough is also a truth. We are all surrounded by truths but even more so by lies. For instance, the government gives us false promises and wins our votes. It is rightly said that the world is run by liars.

We all have been told that if you always tell the truth, we may never face difficulties that would otherwise bother us. We have been told that a lie leads to a thousand more lies and making up for such lies can be the most difficult of tasks. However, would you tell your best friend who is not just good enough to be a pro and whose only ambition in life is to be one that he should stop trying to fulfill his dream? Will you be responsible if your best friend commits suicide reacting to you, the only one that had ever supported or believed (or at least pretended to believe) him/her. If you think you’ll be responsible, do you not then believe that even a lie can be more fruitful and humane than a truth? So, is it always best to tell the truth? The answer also of course depends upon the situation you are facing. If the situation is like that of your ambitious friend, then as someone whose duty is to support and believe no matter what others say or think, you’d better tell a lie than the truth, i.e. if you don’t want to live the rest of your life with a tag on your forehead saying “Murderer?”

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However in some case, it is your responsibility to tell your best friend about the bad manners or mistakes. If your best friend hit his wife during a quarrel and you stood up for his misdeed, then you’re not being a friend to your best friend’s wife. In this case, you’re a real friend to both him and his wife only if you say to your best friend’s face “What you did to your wife was wrong? Go and apologize.”

Thus, it is clear that when a true statement is to be told is a matter for every ...

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