Development Report Of Burkina Faso

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Development Report Of Burkina Faso

In this Development Report I will convey the development of Burkina Faso through the use of various statements and quality of life indicators. Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked 172 out of 174 countries on the Human Development Index.  Burkina Faso is located in central Africa and therefore landlocked between six countries, meaning that is far from marine coastal links, has few natural resources and suffers from drought.  It has an average population of 9.8 million people.

I will compare Burkina Faso, a less economically developed country, to the United Kingdom, a more economically developed country. The quality of life indicators I will use to show the differences in development are:

  • Infant mortality
  • Malnourishment
  • Fertility Rate
  • Life Expectancy
  • Birth/Death Rate
  • Population Per Doctor
  • Population Doubling Time
  • Adult Literacy Rates
  • % of central government spending on education
  • Urban population
  • Access to safe, reliable water
  • Gross National Income Per Capita in US $

The infant mortality is the number of deaths during the first year of life per thousand live births. The infant mortality of Burkina Faso is 98.67 per 1000 live births, this is very high especially compared to the low infant mortality rate of the UK which is 6. This shows us that much of the potential workforce of the country is not likely to survive to the age of one and also the life expectancy is to 47 years old, (in comparison to 77 years in the United Kingdom. This may be a result of the fact that in Burkina Faso there are 32,000 people to a single doctor. In the United Kingdom there are 300 patients to one doctor. This highlights the need for doctors that Burkina Faso has.

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The reason for the lack of doctors can be accounted to the very low 2.7 % of the GDP being spent on education, (the United Kingdom spends almost double this, at 5.3%). Also as the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Burkina Faso is relatively low less money is actually spent on education that the United Kingdom would if it spent the same percentage of it’s GDP was spent on education. The lack of money spent on education is reflected by the low literacy rates in adults, which currently stands at 26 %. This is very low compared to the ...

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