Should the expansion of Luton airport be allowed?

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Business Studies Coursework:   “Should the expansion of Luton airport be allowed”

In December 2003 the government produced a produced a publication “The future of air transport”. In this publication it planned for a major expansion of the aviation industry up to 2030. In this report Luton airport was a major factor for expansion. London Luton airport shortly released their plan for expansion, “Project 2030” in which a new high capacity terminal and new runways to be built. (Footnote ) The plan came up with three proposals that they were going to adopt for the runway. They are as follows:

Second runway
this option has a new 3000m runway built 200m to the south of and parallel to, the present runway. The latter would be retained to form a parallel taxiway. Supporting facilities would be provided to the north of the existing runway.
Cost: £1.7 billion

Re-aligned runway
a 3,000m realigned runway situated towards the north of the current runway, extending over farmland and occasional properties.
Cost: £1.7 billion

Extended existing runway
a 3,000m extended runway situated to the north-east of the current runway.
Cost: £800 million.


On the 19 November 2002, Luton Borough Council voted to suggest to the government that if they are to go ahead with the expansion, then the best way forward would be a re-aligned runway.

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There has been opposition to the expansion of the airport and reception from different members of the public.

What I will try to answer in a fair and non bias answer to “Should the expansion of Luton airport be allowed”. I will do this using different mediums and personal knowledge.


There a many externalities involved both positive and negative involved in the expansion of Luton airport.

First I will define what an externality is; these are costs or benefits arising from business activity that are experienced by people or organizations outside the firm.

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