Assess how the suggested measures to manage an outbreak of infection meet legal requirements and guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in a health or social care setting

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D1 UNIT 39

Infection control and prevention

D1 Assess how the suggested measures to manage an outbreak of infection meet legal requirements and guidelines for the prevention and control of infection in a health or social care setting

An outbreak of an infection is when it affects more than just one individual. Infections can spread among people very quickly and in many cases have not been prevented in spreading and has caused countless outbreaks throughout the decades. When infections begin to spread there are many ways to stop and control the outbreak. In recent years there have been many out breaks within health and social care settings that have caused several deaths. In 2007 there was an outbreak of the super bug MRSA similar to the epidemic of measles in 2012 (online: 2012). Outbreaks are consent scene within the world but all settings need to be aware of the control measure that they need to put in to place to stop them becoming worldwide.

An outbreak may be controlled by eliminating or reducing the source of infection, interrupting transmission and protecting persons at risk. When the measures to control an outbreak are put in place they need to follow the legal requirements and guidelines. This is because the legislations that have been put in place to control infectious spread a have been analysed and tested to prove they do work in the most effective way. There are many legal legislations and regulations that can help health and social care workers understand what is required of them when the setting is hit by an infectious outbreak.  

This criterion will be linked to a pervious assignment M1 which states the measures that should be placed when an infectious outbreak is seen in a health and social care setting. However now those measures will be linked to legislations that approve of the action that they take. The control measures that will be looked at are:

Personal protective equipment (PEE)                                                                       hand washing                                                                                                                            Waste management                                                                                                           Isolation

Personal protective equipment

This control measure of infection is an important section of the Health and Safety Act 1974 found by health and safety executive (online: 2012). This legislation is the primary act that helps in protecting people with in all work environments including infection. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the use of certain instruments when working with people with in health and social care that allow the staff and the service user from being protective from infections. This is a fundamental regulation that would be able to manage an infectious outbreak due to it helping the prevention and isolation of bad pathogens from affecting an individual.

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According to the health and safety executive (online: 2012) the different types of Personal protective equipment contain respirators (masks), Protective gloves, protective clothing, protective footwear and eye protection. These equipment’s need to be supplied for health and social care settings because they are needed on a regular basis. For example at Blue Cable residential  care home the staff should ensure that they are wearing protective gloves at all times when they are dealing with patients and when there is a current outbreak to manage it they would need to wear masks defiantly when it is an airborne infection for example ...

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